McFadden Is Candidate

Carroll lFadden, ím employé of the Ann Arbor public schools, is seeking the Democratie nomination to the county Board of Commissioners from District 14 in the Aug. 8 primary. McFadden is competing for the nomination with Kathleen M. Fojtik. Should he be successful in August, he will meet Letty Wickliffe in November. District 14 includes the central part of Ann Arbor. McFadden has worked as a custodian for the Ann Arbor Schools and next year will become a teacher in the system. He is a member of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People and has also been active in programs sponsored by the Ann Arbor recreation departI ment. McFadden, 42, lives at 519 N. Fifth Ave. H i s . reasons for running are: "The 14th District, which I hope to represent, takes in the Model Cities Area and the north central section of Ann Arbor. The lives of many more of its residents are affected by the county government than any other district in the county. The reasons could be because of aged people in fixed incomes, ADC and welfare, recipients who reside there, the county jail and other county services. 'The county closed down I the Medical Care Facility last I year, but the nursing homes that the people have been I forced to go to are inadequate and too expensive. I believe that the county should accept jits responsibilities and prolvide better health care for the a g e d . If medical f acilities could be centrally located, the I county could see that adequate medical care was administered. . ; "A gross injustice has been imposed by the public on ADC and welfare recipients by 1 suming they are happy and content in receiving this financial assistance. However, many people on ADC and other forms of welfare are anxious to receive training and education, and they should be encouraged to do so without l having their welfare subsisItance cut off. Transportation and day care services for their children should be made available to help these people become self sufficient. Many persons thrown into the County Jail are young people awaiting trial, or are first offenders. They are oftenl put into cells with hardenedl crimináis and subjected tol physical assault by other in-I mates. We certainly need al new building for the jail, butl first we need an 1 ton that makes better utilization of the present facilities. There also needs to be somel type of rehabilitation program for the individual who is there for six months or longer. "The Crisis Walk-In Center on Fourth Ave. and the drug program of the mental health] department are not reaching enough of the people who are in need. These pgorams are hung up with bureaucraey and red tape. "As a commissioner ot inei 14th District, I would be firm-J ly committed to the various needs of tlie individuals I represent. I would work toward improved Communications with them and encourage pub1 i c involvement in board deliberation and decisions."