Fun Time For Visitors
Fun Time For Visitors
Fifteen japanese students were the guests of honor at a Kiwanis Club corn roast at the home of Travis Cash of Ann Arbor. The students, will be in Ann Arbor until Friday as part of a tour of the United States. They are 16 and 17 years old and are staying with local families. This is the fifth year the MBC Broadcasting Company in Kagoshima, Japan, has sent students to the U.S. for a summer. There were 146 persons at the corn roast -- families hosting the students; members of Kiwanis; Mayor James Stephenson; Dr. Tomoyoshi Kashima and his wife and three daughters, of Kagoshima, who are living in Ann Arbor while Dr. Kashima does post-graduate work at the University; and Dr. George Nace, University professor and expert in japanese culture. The mayor wasn't shy when the students invited him to join them in traditional dancing, enthusiastically participating. Thursday night the students will participate in a baseball game with students they are staying with, topped off with a sloppy joe dinner.
Japanese Guests Dig Into Roasted Corn
Dancing Among The Festivities
Mayor Stephenson Joins The Fun