Mrs. Sallade Dies At Age Of 87

Mrs. Nathalie Wahr Sallade, 87, of 126 N. Division St., the mother of George Wahr Sallade, Ann Arbor attorney, local Democratic party leader and former state representative, died Wednesday at St. Joseph Mercy Hospital following a brief illness.
George Wahr Publishing Company
Wahr Publishers
Wahr Book Store
Ann Arbor Women's City Club
National Farm and Garden Association
St. Andrew's Episcopal Church
Forest Hill Cemetery
Old News
Ann Arbor News
Nathalie Wahr Sallade
George Wahr Sallade
Mrs. James A. Sallade
James A. Sallade
Betsy Sallade
James E. Sallade
Barbara J. Sallade
Thomas C. Lacy
Natalie Ann Sallade Lacy
126 N Division St