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Foreign Fair Starts Friday

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Chinese Student Elizabeth Lee Rehearses Fan Dance For Fair

Foreign Fair Starts Friday


Techniques for folding Japanese origami birds, for wrapping an Indian sari costume, and for cooking Greek baklava, will be demonstrated as part of World’s Fair 74 — subtitled “Learning Abound the World Around" — in Ann Arbor this coming weekend.

Sponsored by the Foreign Student Board from the U-M's International Center, the event will be held Friday through Sunday at Burns Park School, 1414 Wells Street.

Foreign students of 22 different nationalities at the U-M have chosen to participate in the fair in a variety of different ways. The students are organized into clubs representing their countries. Each group will have a separate room in the school for displaying various cultural characteristics.

“Our purpose is to bring to our hosts and our friends something of our cultures as they have shared theirs with us,” the student said. "We wish to return the hospitality that has been shown us during our stay in the United States.”

An “International Restaurant” will be hosted by four foreign student clubs, serving food prepared by the students according to their countries. Supper will be served on Friday, lunch and supper on Saturday, and lunch on Sunday.

A variety entertainment show will also be scheduled several times during the fair, featuring song and dance by the students.

World's Fair 74 will begin on Friday at 7 p.m. and be open until midnight. Saturday hours will be from noon to midnight. Sunday hours will be from noon to 6 p.m. An entrance fee will be charged. For information and group reservations, call the International Center at 764-9310.