U-M Cautioned On Setting Guidelines For Films
Ann Arbor News, Wednesday, May 1,1974
U-M Cautioned On Setting Guidelines For Films
The University has no legal
authority to estiablish "guide-
lines" which would limit the
contents of films shown on
campus, in the opinion of U-M
law Prof. Terrance Sandalow.
r " "—-mids could formally acknowledge ^11.11, i.r. farnpus several fprieral ininnrtinn against fur- l.-rl'r.pim wA "wp want des- grain that they're ipvnivinr hannpri all public film show- "i——
,,. (•noner) that "freedom is not the ^ame Local nffi- pi \) not themselves in ... Fi: arnpus on grounds
The no legal as lack of standards,'( and Creatures" wa< obscenity \:.. .iment as much a reson; "not to compete
authority tn ' --••—••• •n "maintain co»tinu- iiiu^cu u, a city detective i.iu.,,^, »„»„,». ..iree other 11; han. hnuli^ •• ho rtcr-iaiwi ...,..y...nluenterprise."
tines" which 'is" between ^sttdent while being screened in 1967 Cinema Guild representa- p, i Felheim replied, "There
contents of i •P'' and the f4"lty• in the U-M's Architecture and lives.) ') were only two commercial
campus in the opinion of U-M Bu1 l"v regents "--•' s-'""' Design School auditorium, un- SACUA's chairman, philoso- I.' ,,.,.,,,mi ^. ,., i,, „„ „ „ s theatres in A"" '-hnr ,v^en
lawProf.TerranceSandalow. "ought to keep . der sponsorship of Cinema phy Prof. Carl Cohen, re- g; mng several ..'xpensive if the Cinema GUI; '"id).
If the U-M stops renting its Sanrialow suggi , Uuild, oldest of the campus reived no response from .i- inents)." .self sponsors It would bf :l to
auditoriums to film groups I1-'" " " ln riinmiif, film groups. ""-- • -- • f""'* .".—i.— when he ,„„„. prove we're iiii.:uiiipcuuuii."
which admit the general pub- sl iscenitylto lo. chairman of • lerested in -he objects Sandalow said the regents (The city now has six corn. '
lie several U-M classes in '••i' '"nt ag°|cips. pleaded guilty .ip "guide- .••i fact that the would probably he within mercial theatres, owned by ,
wdirh ^nld ••The i . - .. i. ^^ mr 111111 siiiups which rc^..w .n.,,.u,ion describes tneir legal a"l' "•- •' -'-" ••— ------'.--„;) T^U
be se' 'he sanctuan - might prove "satisfactory" to U-M film groups as existing ^________ i!H
viewc- i-i. ing that : :• i; ' the rights. "Personally. I'd be for "entertainment."
direci iakp action when a tiiil titled coumersuit thai sougi ' • ' ';'. ;!-.i- it''rp'i?c." I
in An; - • f'r^>Pt'l'•Pi>r was ages from local polin "'his ls a" academic pro- j
' received Tue;.
'ing of Senate
A resolution the U-M re-
gents approved on April 19
v'\vpf> U-M faculty and student
;ips one month in which to
vise satisfactory self-
...„ .„ v ... ^u..a...o- The
same resolution says the "on-
ly" alternative is "to with-
draw iho rpntai privilege."
fron. TS.
As mr approv-
did not cite
did irt—-
M's '
Bullard. D-Ann
said the regents
could, it they wished, employ
i a lawyer who would be assign-
ed to ' '.'— scheduled for
can' .ind to initi-
ate i ainst those
he bfiifn ' ••-•i ob-
scene 111; ,iws.
However, i "ex-
pensive and iiiiornut. .->alldal-
ow added I
Sandalow said if the U-M •
' ;;' " ' :'i of censor-
lay object to
filn re "affirma-
tivr' by U-M of-
fici. ''.alien could
br • ""t
rx; ivrr rampus
fili '.aid.
hv iui..., that SACUA
Roy Reynolds
University of Michigan Film Resources Committee
University of Michigan Cinema Guild (Film Group)
University of Michigan - Board of Regents
University of Michigan - Students
University of Michigan - Faculty & Staff
The Flaming Creatures (Film)
Senate Advisory Committee on University Affairs (SACUA)
Obscene Film
Deep Throat (Film)
Courts - Ann Arbor
Ann Arbor Police Department
Ann Arbor Film Festival
Old News
Ann Arbor News
Terrance Sandalow
Perry Bullard
Marvin Felheim
Carl Cohen
University of Michigan - Natural Science Building
Old Architecture and Design Auditorium