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Welcome Aboard, Men!

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The Ann Arbor News, Monday, September 16,1974 15

Welcome Aboard, Men!

LWV Week Sept. 16-20

After 40 years as a non-partisan organization of women, the addition of men to the volunteer force will probably come slowly, says Naomi Gottlieb, president of the Ann Arbor League of Women Voters (LWV).

At the LWV national convention this year, delegates changed the bylaws to admit men as voting members but the current ratio of females to males here is 300 to two.

Ann Arbor LWV resource committees will study city government financing and planning, land use and environmental problems, housing, children’s services and quality education in the schools, this fall, as well as providing its voters’ service.

During LWV Week, September 16 through 20, the Ann Arbor group will discuss its 1974-75 program, open to both women and men, at the following three membership meetings: Tuesday, at 8:45 a.m. at the First Unitarian Church, 1917 Washtenaw; Wednesday at 1 p.m. for a buffet luncheon at the home of Ann Joiner, 1345 Glendaloch; and Thursday at 7:45 p.m. at the home of Pamela Crawford, 523 Sunset.

For more information, contact the LWV office, 333 S. Fourth (971-0978) or Peggy Sherman, membership chairman (973-9077).

Simon and Mary Klein—BOTH LWV Members