Fruit Sales Will Benefit Lions Club

Fruit Sales Will Benefit Lions Club
Members of the Ann Arbor Lions Club will sell Texas grapefruit and oranges in 20 and 40-pound cartons as a fund-raising project during the next few weeks, club president Henry O'Day announced today.
Proceeds from the project, undertaken for the first time this year, will go for the Lions' programs to help the sight handicapped, O'Day said.
Orders may be placed with any Lions Club member, and a special telephone number, 663-0357, has been arranged for calls from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. the next four Saturdays.
Co-chairmen of the project are Robert W. Ingels and Doug Kayner. Ingels said the citrus grower with whom the Lions are contracting specializes in packing and delivery to destination within 72 hours. Fruit ordered through the Lions will be delivered to customers in the Ann Arbor area during the first week in December, Ingels said.
Ann Arbor Lions started the Michigan Eye Collection Center, which coordinates the donation of eyes for use in corneal transplants at the University Medical Center. The club also supports the Leader Dogs for the Blind School at Rochester and several other state projects for the sight handicapped. It also assists in providing eye examinations, glasses, enlarged print materials and white canes for those with sight handicaps.
Ann Arbor Lions Club
Clubs & Organizations
Michigan Eye Collection Center [Eye Bank]
University of Michigan Medical Center
Organ Transplants
Rochester Leader Dog School For The Blind
Fruits & Vegetables
Old News
Ann Arbor News
Henry J. O'Day
Robert W. Ingels
Douglas Kayner