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Rites Tuesday For Widow Of U Professor

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A memorial graveside service for Mrs. Charles (Margaret Beal) Davis, 70, who died Thursday at St. Joseph Mercy Hospital, will be held at 3:30 p.m. Tuesday at Forest Hill Cemetery. The Rev. Fred B. Maitland of First United Methodist Church will officiate at the service for Mrs. Davis, 2031 Medford, the widow of Dr. Charles M. Davis, former professor and chairman of the U-M geography department. Mrs. Davis was a 1925 graduate of the U-M, a member of Alpha Phi sorority, Mortar Board and the Faculty Wives of the University of Michigan. She was born on Feb. 29, 1904, in Ann Arbor, a daughter of Elmer and Minnie Boylan Beal. Memorial contributions may be made to the Charles M. Davis Memorial Fund in care of the U-M geography department.