Shopping Village Work Will Begin

Shopping Village
Work Will Beein
A building permit was issued this
week for remodeling work at the large
vacant store in the Westgate Shopping
T' 'my Development Co. of East
Lan^^ ..ill do work valued at $75,000 to
convert the former Rink's Bargain City
discount store into apprnv""'^'1' 'i!27
shops in the 70,000-squai A
total of more than $500,000 is expected to
be spend during the remodeling.
The News reported on Aug. 27 that a
shopping village with an "old world fla-
vor" and a "pc, only" approach
to retailing was .^ih;uuied to open later
this year.
The Old World Village Mall here will
be similar to ones inTLansmg and Grand
Rapids. The shopping area will be open
from 6 p.m. to 10 p.m. on Wednesday,
Thursday, and Friday, from 10 a.m. to 10
.Saturday, and from noon to 6 p.m.
; .Jkr A -/A^TT^ I
The weekly building permit total for
Washtenaw County of $1,232,150 was di-
vided among residential projects valued
at $739,700 and commercial projects val-
ues at $215,440. The rest of the total was
accounted for by those permits valued at
less than $10,000.
Whittier Construction Co. of Southfield
was issued permits by the city of Saline
for construction valued at $204,000 to
erect nine houses on Willis, Springbrook
and Eastlook. The houses will be valued
at $22,000 and $24,000 e;-
A single family houb* .i,-,iil at $120,
000 will be constructed at 720 Oakdale in
Ann Arbor Township for George Huebner
of Bloomfield Hills by Kenneth Davidson
of 8838 Melinda Ct., Milan.
In Ypsilanti Township three green-
houses and a metal storage building
valued at a total of $55,440 will be erect-
ed on the property of Harry Pirter at
6830 Rawsonvilte ftd.
Building permits issued for other
hous»^ int-lnried ones for:
— :) Picadilly in the City of
Ann ninw .^ the J. L. Scott Building
, —$45,300 at 2995 Brassow in Lodi
Township for'David Simmons of Saline
by <' ' 'ction Co. of Saline.
— ;U on Madrons Court
in Lodi Township by Robert Guenther of
1200 Bardstown.
—$42,900 at 3946 Golfside for Pau!
Tucker of 2265 Glencoe Hills b'y Luke's
Home Inc. of Newport, Mich.
—$32,600 for 4701 Foster and $28,400 at
2575 Foster by Burt Construction Co. in
—$36,300 at2583 Foster by the Utica
- Building Co. of Oak Park.
i —$35,000 at 5100 Dexter Town Hall Rd.
in Dexter Township for Hans Neigum
208 E. Middle St., Chelsea, by Mike Pet
ers, 3410 Sussex Ct.
—$35,000 at 8300 Parker Pines Rd. in
Scio Township for Charles Hovater of
4665 Jackson Rd.
—$22,700 at 6771 Dexter Town Hall Rd.
in Dexter Township by Gary Kopinski of
11620 N. Territorial Rd.
—$22,000 at 3250 Lorraine in the City of
Ann Arbor by Samy Marcos of 2344
Shadowood by Charles Attia of Howell.
Whittier Construction Co.
Westgate Shopping Center
Utica Building Co.
Shopping Malls
Shopping Centers
Rink's Bargain City
Old World Village Mall
Luke's Home Inc.
J.L . Scott Building Co.
Discount Retailers
Colony Development Co.
Champion Construction Co.
Burt Construction Co.
Building & Construction
Old News
Ann Arbor News
Samy Marcos
Robert Guenther
Paul Tucker
Mike Peters
Kenneth Davidson
Harry Pirter
Hans Neigum
George Huebner
Gary Kopinski
David Simmoms
Charles Hovater
Charles Attia
Ypsilanti Township
Lodi Township
Dexter Township
Ann Arbor Township