Old SDSer Sets Sights On New Experiments

BYROY REYNOLDS " _ auditoriums. It was _thengffirst of _many flue f0rlP()1icy`lStlldl95 ’;fln~iVate agen- “Union” is Haber? idea for .éemnlgit ideasn, f '
Hlgher Educatmn ReP°rt" ' Such protests’ hereend e1§eWhefe- ‘ "CY); ih€I1 I Wi=1S o\`fI`@€ ‘ __ C€”_Wl‘ii2€I`» on together’ again.” ” _ His immediate organizing aim is to
What happens to old SDSers‘? n _ The _reumonf Wh1°h» Heier ammunefed block economic d€V€1 §m€11¥§ in thc It will be, but isn’t yet, 'as Haber de- _“focus on the presidential election as an
“ThiS one ihiI1kS it’s_ time to get it Just Tmsdayfls t°`be at _ P~n}~ tedaygen SpI`ilig` _of 1963 I'W€I1t 'i0 __ 6 W€Sf Coast., scribes it, a membership organization important political event _that we must
together again.” _ Room 429 0" Mase" Hallo noninn Angell _ and iin mid-1969 I Stoll doing Public aitning at active support from 1.2 million take more. This election is in some ways
Them iu Hes back in Han' . , ` f 5 D01ifiC51 W01`k- I Said time to Wnfk persons, devoted to “raising the depth `of the first real election since the 1963 as-i
Ann Arbor, 10 years a er the days when _ Tonight 5 Speakefe H3115 r Says, are ex- with wood. It Sm€llS goo f$’_ - questions that were raised in the ’60s.” sassination (of President John F. Kona
he was a leader of the Radical Education i DeCi9di to ifldude anmhelf liafly SDS Or- _ Habelns lb `. ia d ._ So far,. he adds, he has talked with"‘a nedy) and the Vietnam was 'distracted
Project, which was an agency of Stn. _ gamzer; Carl Oglesby__ 5 ~ . i . Us umerGml11s1n(esst da vc-itises _ c0regmup0f1’200,, mausectionsofthe _theAmericanpe0p1e_ _ e h t
dents of a Democratic Society (SDS). __ At the time of I§Iaber’S early Organizing* ~ gakland (cigif )uS Orfidxoocwor mg' ° _ nation--chiefly people he’s known in past Why does he aim at an organization of
is 2 i i . ..
» _ - bgr’ was dean at tn _ ' - _ _ gil _ a nge a ,_ eac -in. _ e voice o one experienc in mass
of theoriginal bywordsil-awhich he erature, Science an§4g£IA€€£e§§ gf _ anIé°‘;Eg§n?i;l;iV;(;f]Sg}; _ iii H321 _ He’s beginning in a_ simP1€,_ direct _organizing efforts replies: “The chances
calls simply “Un1on”. _ _ i . an advisor to the U_M exencutive officers; succeeded., 2; » y’ way. “I’m asking people ‘What would of something happening are about one in
More Immediately, _he IS h0D1H8 to _ 1 , __ _ ' i T. oi you want to do, what would be your a million. If we can get a little over a
build interest in an event today; _ Haber (the younger) wasn t 1n‘Ann Ari “In some ways, ‘we _l,_ y got whipped. priorities, if you were president?" million, the chances are better.” »
An eleventh-anniversary revival of the DOI’ during IHOSI of tho fD3SS _d€m0nSt1‘a- 1 In other ways, we camj out so strong » His hope, he explainsf is that “if we _ Haber adgs that he hopes “Union” will
nation’s _first “teach-in I>I‘0i€Sf on thc Vi- tions SDS Spuffed {"_"§h€’~l{lte 1950S- hc that When We §€t i0gcth ;§~we will bring can get a group agreeing about some ' attract “th best of all the people in all
etnam war.” The original event began at _ _Slimmarlaed his aactivitieea since theni “I a great variety of ages andiexperiences, central set of conditions and priorities, the movements since the 1950s.”
8 ,p.m. on March '24, 1966, and ran 1cfih_cic_1n thc Summer of 1967 and Went and it will be a signiliieant political that will mean there are more .of us than “Union” has an office: Room 700, Wol-
f»hT0l18h flifle Hlghi In thc A118611 Hall' to VlQ'.€5hmgt0n and Wofknod for thc Inst” 4 el/€§i." there are politicians saying ‘no’ to new -,verine Building, 202 E. Washington. li