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City's Flag to Fly Aboard Space Shuttle

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City's flag to fly aboard space shuttle

Ann Arbor apparently will be re-
presented on the next flight of the
space shuttle Columbia in more
ways than one.

Astronaut Jack Lousma, who
grew up in Ann Arbor and played
football for the University of Michi-
gan, has asked local officials for a
small city flag to take along on Co-
lubmia's third flight, which he is
commanding. That flight is sched-
uled for late March.

Mayor Louis Belcher told City
Council Monday night that a spe-
cial flag is being prepared "Betsy
Ross style" to deliver to Lousma,
who will return it to the city follow-
ing the flight.

John Bergren, director of central
services in City Hall, said this
morning that an 18-by-24-inch ny-
lon flag, featuring the city seal, is
being created through a silkscreen
process by West Hawk Industries
of Ann Arbor at a cost of $75. The
flag is to be completed by next

Bergren noted that existing city
flags are too large for the small
storage space that Lousma will
have available on Columbia, thus
necessitating creation of the spe-
cial flag.