Power Seeks Second Term On Regents
Power seeks second term on regents
Sarah Goddard Power, University of Michigan regent for the past eight years, has announced she will seek renomination and re-election to the U-M Board of Regents.
Power, a Democrat from Ann Arbor, has been active in both the state and national Democratic parties. On the POWER national level, she served as a deputy assistant secretary of state in 1980-81 and as chairwoman of the U.S. National Commission for the United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization. She has represented the U.S. at the 19th and 20th general conferences of UNESCO.
IN ANNOUNCING her candidacy for a second eight-year term to the U-M post, Power said that the University is more vital to the state of Michigan now than ever before to provide educational opportunity and the basis for new jobs and economic growth.
“But today, tragically, support for the University has been slashed to the lowest level in modern times,” she said, “slashed to the point that maintaining the services provided by and the quality of the University must be regarded as in jeopardy.
"Today Michigan faces two crises, one economic and the other educational. Our economy is on the ropes, with more than 600,000 people out of work. At the same time, cuts in state and federal support for higher education have severely eroded the quality base of the University and have threatened to put a college degree out of reach for all but the rich.
"It is to help respond to these challenges that I seek renomination and re-election to the board of regents."