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U-M Memories: A Reflective Tom Hayden Recalls Radical Days, Focuses On New Issues

U-M Memories: A Reflective Tom Hayden Recalls Radical Days, Focuses On New Issues image U-M Memories: A Reflective Tom Hayden Recalls Radical Days, Focuses On New Issues image
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BY BONNIE De5lfvtO’NE; 1 = E
e\rvoovrr~Mr~rRrPoRirr " -i~~ "_i. i
Gene were the Sass, the Wit, the `_»_l-
flletdlle- Tgnilxla-yden was a man' ffifl --~` ¥i?f”' ;. ,
in Pain e 1 _ i
“WS Slek- Slek- Siel<,” he i_e i
moaned. “Whata disaster.” _ "`l`l,' 2 "», ` _
7 The Seefe Was 5-4, LOS Angelea
Dedaefe leadlae llle Sl- l-dale ear' _,
dinals, t0P of the llllltll inning- The '-"'l i
Cards nadlvvo en~iiyy0`ddi`5nd"Jael<” -S H .
elafli “P to llal- Haydea “alll llle
Slxth sense of a true baseball ad- -1
dlelf knew llla 'delayed Dodgers i
were abourfo choke- _
“Walk nina,” he lnnnlefed Dodg- 5*
“Don’i let him lllt- He’s gonna blow I _
lt alll of the Park-” 5
Right on elle Clark blasted the P
filet Pltell into the Stands- “I Called
it,” Hayden said, slumping deiee- a
tedly. El ;
Llleklly f0I` state Sen Lana Pol-
laok, D-Ann Arbor, the tragic --
events that befell the Dodgers
dame after Hayden had already §
made a piieh for her 1986 candida_ 5; 1
ey- Plllllll Power, Hayden’s Pfede' Ei '
oessor as editor of the Miohigan `
I Daily in the early ’60s, and his Wife,
__ ,Uniyersity of ____ _lvliohi an Regent ,_ ‘ll l __»i ._ _.» _ ~
` ` A ` ,
day evening fund-raiser- S
Hayden, a California state as-
Senlblynlan from the Santa Monica
area, was in Ann Arbor for this Hayden, '
1norning’s live ieleeasl of NBC’s Pollack watch 1
Today Show- _ _ i' the Dodgers'
Wednesda ’s fund-raiser dou- `i‘i ~
y ;e;s;s.=§;§;§l5;§;s . .,._._._.._,,.~,.,.,-_._.___ ` ._._._ 1 ._._-_._, -_-, _ \-__.,_ _._.,., 4, ,._._. 5. `,¢_ `,` >g _~< (_-_ , I
like U-M political science professor `
J. David Singer recalled Hayden’s Indeed, the political grapevine said. - _
cheekiness in class, and Eastern has it that the state GOP is pre- “When you have the kind of un- _
Michigan University vice presi- pared to spend megabucks to de- certainty we have in our economy, ~ _I
dent Roy Wilbanks reminisced feat Pollack, although no declared it’s normal to put your heads in the -3
about Hayden’s freshman year, Republican candidate has books and study and compete.” __
when Wilbanks’ brother, Amby, emerged as of yet. Hayden described his own gener- ,
and YPSllantl DlStl`let Judge Karl Hayden’s cherubic face is virtu- ation as “anxious.” '
Fink llSed to hang Ont with Hayden ally unchanged from the time it “We grew ,up thinking we con-
in South Quad. was imprinted on the American trolled things,” he said. “To find 1
Pollack was a freshman at U3M consciousness as a founder of Stu- out that we don’t is very unsettling _
when Hayden, then 3 Seni0I‘, WHS dents fora Democratic Society and for Americans.”
making waves Wltll his I`adi_Ce\l a Chicago Seven defendant. He Said he will not consider ll
Stands, The two were not acquaint- His tone, however, is more Pe' running for higher office “until the
ed then, and met for the f1I‘St time flective. He said American society »90s_»» if then. ` 1
at the Dem0CI‘al1iC National COD- is “cangergusly disturbed by ram- _ _ _ _ _
vention in San Francisco last year. pant' individualism; _ _ 3 break- Hayden Sdld lllS fedleal Past IS '
Hayden said he ll0n0I'ed Pol- down in the concept of social re- not an lssue 1" n1sday-¢o-daydeal- ~
_ laek,S request to appear on her be- sponsibilitytii out said he did not lngs with his constituents. But his l
lldlf Partly beCal1Se, by Pllfe nap' think university campuses were as neterlety has had ‘ts eellsetlllellees- .
penstance, he found himself seated politically dormant as they are of- Hepltlllleene Went &ll'0l1t to beat f
next to state Senate majority lead- ten described lllln 1n_1?82, I`eSllltlng in- H t0t-ill of ,_
_ er John Engler’ a Republican’ at a “In the ,oost we had a buoyant $1.7 million spent by both sides - j
World Series game in Tiger Sta- economy, where Icould drop out of the nleat eeetly state legislative 1
dilnn 3 year a€0~ Hayden said school, go south, get beaten up and reeem U°S° h1St°l'y~ ‘
Englef told llifn the GOP felt it arrested and use that as a creden-
could win Pollack’s district. tial to get into graduate school,” he See HAYDEN , A4
political coffers with the refund
5 from his tickets to the now-moot se-
1 can wait until some student venth genie of the National League
activist declares that I’m part of Pleyeffs- Slim C0nS0letl0n for 3 be'
the Establishment,” he said. feeyed SO'-ll °' this n‘l01’nin8» H re-
“Then, maybe the 1-ight; wing will porter overheard frantic NBC
leave me alone? ‘crews calling for Visine to soothe
Now, Hayden can augment his his bleedsllet eyes-