Jones, Harold A.
Jones, Harold A.
701 Glazier, Chelsea
Age 87, died in his home Thursday evening May 14, 1987. He was born March 15, 1900 in Chelsea, the son of Rev. Carl and Jessie (Davis) Jones. He married Margaret
Cole-Burghardt Funeral Chapel
Oak Grove Cemetery
14th District Court
Washtenaw County Historic District Commission
Chelsea Kiwanis Club
Chelsea Social Service
Chelsea Community Hospital
McKune Memorial Library
World War I
Washtenaw County Historical Society
Washtenaw County Bar Association
University of Michigan Law School
United States Army
Olivet College
Michigan State Bar
Michigan Law Review
Genealogical Society of Washtenaw County
Detroit Society for Genealogical Research
Chelsea Area Historical Society
Central Fibre Products Co.
American Legion
Old News
Ann Arbor News
Dora Bradford
Caroline Elizabeth Wiley
Carleton Vincent
Allan Rayburn Jones
Eliza McFadden
Harold A. Jones
Margaret Marlin Rayburn Jones
Rev. Carl Jones
Rev. Dr. Jerry Parker
Jessie Davis Jones