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Film Festival Winners Announced

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Film festival



Below is a list of winners at the 28th annual Ann Arbor Film Festival announced over the* weekend. The festival was held at the Michigan Theater.

Best of the Festival ($1500): “Piece Touchee” by Martin Arnold, San Francisco.

Tom Berman Award for most promising filmmaker ($1200): “You Take Care Now" by Ann Marie Fleming, Vancouver.

Marvin Felheim Award for

best local filmmaker ($500): “McJew” by Michael J. Young, Ann Arbor.

Lawrence Kasdan Award for best narrative film ($500): (tie) “Moving Pictures" by Richard Myers, Kent. Ohio, and "The Riverbed” by James Miller, W. Los Angeles.

Peter Wilde Award for most innovative film ($500): “Moving Pictures” by Richard Myers, Kent, Ohio.

Best Documentary Award: “100 NY, NY 1989” by Kyle Kihbe. New York-

Best Animation Award: (tie) “Under the Sea” by Paul Gli-bicki, Pittsburgh, and “Geologic Time” by Skip Battaglia, Rochester.

Isabella Liddell Art Award

for most promising woman filmmaker: "A Constant State of Departure” by Lidia Szajko, San Francisco.

Other prize winners ($100): “Human on My Faithless Arm” by Valerie Tereszko, Vancouver; “Meet ... Bradley Harrison Picklesimer by Heather Clary McAdama. Chicago; "Winter-heat” by Mark Street, San Francisco; “Faint Echos” by Paul Winkler, Sydney; “Serving Two Masters” by Edward Lewis, San Francisco; “Boys/Life” by Phillip B. Roth, New York; “Wind Grass Song: The Voice of Our Grandmothers" by Tori/Brie-tling/Jana Birchum, Austin; “Sodom by the Sea” by Harried Hirshorn and Mary Patierno, New York; “Deconstruction Sight” by Dominic Angerame, San Francisco. $50 winners: “Corpuscular” by Yves LaFon-taine, Montreal; “Current Events” by Ralph Arlyck, Poughkeepsie; “Holding Margie’s Hand” by Jill Goldman, Los Angeles.

Screener’s Pick: “The Measurement’s of Oxford” by Barry Kimm, Minneapolis.