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Centennial Celebrated

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Centennial celebrated

The 100th anniversary of the founding of the Greater Beneficial Union of Pittsburgh (GBU) will be marked in Ann Arbor with a banquet June 5 at Weber’s Restaurant and will feature the Contrast Band from Gau Algesheim, Germany.

The GBU is a national, German-based fraternal society established to aid immigrants to America. Mary Pfaus is president of the local district unit, No. 630.

The GBU was founded in 1892 to help new German arrivals in America by providing low-cost insurance and a vehicle for social activities. The organization has developed over the years into a group noted for its philanthropy. The Ann Arbor unit, established in 1924, has made contributions to the Shelter Association, the Women’s Crisis Center, the Salvation Army, Arbor Haven and the Washtenaw County Cancer Association. Currently the Ann Arbor chapter is engaged in the “Donations For The Needy” project which includes making up health kits for the poor.