League of Women Voters Panel Discussion: A Carbon "Price is Right": Harnessing the Market to Drive Down Carbon Emissions
When: February 7, 2018 at Downtown Library: Multi-Purpose Room
Carbon "fee and dividend” and “cap and trade” strategies are currently used, or are planned, in many parts of the world. This panel explores challenges and opportunities of these policies.
The panel is moderated by Dr. Knute Nadelhoffer. Panelists include Dr. Barry Rabe and Dr. Sam Stolper of the University of Michigan as well as Dr. Lisa Del Buono of the Citizens’ Climate Lobby.
This event is a partnership with the League of Women Voters, the U-M School for Environment and Sustainability, the U-M Energy Institute, Citizens’ Climate Lobby, and the City of Ann Arbor.

February 7, 2018 at Downtown Library: Multi-Purpose Room
Length: 01:36:38
Copyright: Creative Commons (Attribution, Non-Commercial, Share-alike)
Rights Held by: Ann Arbor District Library
Related Event: League of Women Voters Panel Discussion: A Carbon "Price is Right": Harnessing the Market to Drive Down Carbon Emissions