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Michigan in the Trade War: International Trade and Our Vulnerability to Recent Trade Policies

When: May 7, 2019 at Downtown Library: Multi-Purpose Room

As U.S. states go, Michigan is relatively more involved with international trade than are most states.  This talk discusses Michigan’s role in U.S. trade, with a focus on President Trump’s trade initiatives, particularly trade with China, Korea, and North America. 

The presentation informs, in particular, the role of recent trade policies in shaping Michigan’s international trade flows in specific industries, including the steel, aluminum, and automotive sectors.  Learn about Michigan’s role in US international trade, the efficacy of recent international trade initiatives, and how they affect important sectors of the Michigan economy.


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May 7, 2019 at Downtown Library: Multi-Purpose Room

Length: 01:06:04

Copyright: Creative Commons (Attribution, Non-Commercial, Share-alike)

Rights Held by: Ann Arbor District Library

Related Event: Michigan in the Trade War: International Trade and Our Vulnerability to Recent Trade Policies


Politics & Government