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JCC Conversations | Shanay Watson-Whittaker and Renee Chelian

When: April 24, 2022

Learn why the loss of abortion rights in Michigan is a real possibility and what’s being done about it.  It happened in Texas and other states and it most likely will happen in Michigan.

Shanay Watson-Whittaker of Reproductive Freedom for All and Renee Chelian of the Northland Family Planning Centers illustrate why this freedom for women is so important.  They share personal stories, why it’s in jeopardy and how it can be avoided.


Graphic for audio posts


April 24, 2022

Length: 00:58:10

Copyright: Creative Commons (Attribution, Non-Commercial, Share-alike)

Rights Held by: Ann Arbor District Library


Abortion Rights
Gender & Sexuality
Social Issues
Shanay Watson-Whittaker
Renee Chelian