This project has been made possible through the generous efforts of the following:
(print panel pdf)
Henry Aldridge
Ralph Beebe
Sylvia Bugbee
Mark Clague
Russell B. Collins
John Hilton
Karen Jania
Howard Markel
Norma Sarns
Grace Shackman
Alexandra Stern
Julia Truettner
Pauline Walters
Robert Whitman
Susan Wineberg
University of Michigan Bentley Historical Library
University of Vermont Bailey Howe Library
Washtenaw County Historical Society
Gregory Fox
Albert Gallup
Robert Grese
Don Hammon
Mary Hathaway
Judy Dow Romelhart
Wystan Stevens
Sam Sturgis
Marilyn Wackenhut
Copy Writing:
Louisa Pieper
Copy Editors:
Kirk Seaman, InPrint
Penny Schreiber
Paul Schwankel
Susan Cybulski, InPrint
Arthur McViccar
Karie & Steve Coron, Format Framing
Special thanks to Del Dunbar for the idea of creating this gallery.