Presidential candidate William Jennings Bryan delivers a campaign speech at the Ann Arbor Courthouse

In October 1900, Democratic Presidential candidate William Jennings Bryan visited Ann Arbor and came to the Courthouse to deliver a campaign speech. As soon as Bryan was introduced, a group of several hundred university students began taunting and heckling the famous orator.
He appealed to the students to let him speak: "I shall be glad to talk to you if you are willing to listen. I can't talk unless you will."
Eventually, Bryan gave up trying to quiet the verbal barrage from the raucous crowd, and the speech was canceled.
Frame location: On West wall of Courthouse
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County Courthouse Building (1877)
Washtenaw County Courthouse
University of Michigan - Students
Democratic Party
Courthouse Square
William Jennings Bryan
Site 7: Town life and the Courthouse square
Downtown Ann Arbor Historical Street Exhibit Program
Politics and Processions on Courthouse Square