Main St. looking south from Ann St., ca. 1893.

When this photo was taken in 1893, "Lost in New York"; was playing at Hill's Opera House at the southwest corner of Main and Ann Streets. Down the block, Charles J. Shetterly, barber, offered billiards and hot and cold baths, and students and townspeople shopped at George Wahr's popular bookstore.
Other attractions on the block included the Palace Grocery, Singer Sewing Machines, two saloons, one confectioner and fruit dealer, two more billiard halls, a milliner, the Ann Arbor Argus newspaper office, and Francis Stofflet's magazine store. None of these buildings remains.
Frame location: On North wall of Courthouse
This image may be protected by copyright law. Contact the Bentley Historical Library for permission to reproduce, display or transmit this image. Repository: Bentley Historical Library
Wahr's Book Store
Stores & Shops
Singer Sewing Machings
Palace Grocery
Main Street
Historic Buildings
Hill's Opera House
Ann Arbor Argus
George Wahr
Francis Stofflet
Charles J. Shetterly
Downtown Ann Arbor Historical Street Exhibit Program
Site 7: Town life and the Courthouse square
Main Street in the 1890s