All AADL Locations will be open 10 AM - 8 PM on Monday, February 17th.
The Kids Area of the Downtown Library is closed for reorganization & renovations that will last up to 8 weeks. Storytimes, a small selection of kids' books, and a play area are available in the Lobby. More info here.
Welcome to the future of old newspapers at your library. This is the launch of OLD NEWS, a platform that we'll be using to bring the information contained in thousands and thousands of historic newspapers to the web. We've obtained copies and rights to many local newspapers over the years, including the Signal of Liberty, The Ann Arbor Argus, The Ann Arbor Courier, and most recently, The Ann Arbor News, whose archives AADL took possession of in 2010. OLD NEWS is the online home for all of this information, and we have put together an opening day collection of thousands of articles and images from the Ann Arbor News and other papers as a starting point for this project. Like all AADL products, we'll be continually refining, enhancing, and expanding OLD NEWS, and one of the most exciting things about working with old newspapers is that there is always more work to be done.
If you have a particular research request, email to contact the Old News team.