Ann Arbor District Library meeting rooms, in-person and online, are available for use by individuals and non-profit or for-profit groups subject to procedures and fees established by Library Administration.
The primary purpose of Library facilities is to implement regular Library programming. Library-sponsored and administered activities shall have priority in determining use of Library facilities. Individuals and groups approved to use Library meeting rooms may not charge admission, use the Library rooms for fund-raising purposes, or engage in commercial activity inconsistent with the mission and purpose of the Library. Use of Library meeting rooms may not interfere with normal Library functions and operations.
Permission for use of Library meeting rooms in no way implies Library endorsement of the goals or activities of any individual or organization receiving such permission. Individuals and groups approved to use Library meeting rooms shall not discriminate against any individual on the basis of age, race, sex, ethnicity, color, national origin, ancestry, sexual orientation, height, weight, marital status, veteran status, physical or mental disability, gender identity or expression, or religion with respect to access to Library space.
The Library reserves the authority to maintain order on its premises and to take such action as may be necessary or appropriate to protect the well-being of its staff, employees and the patrons.
Policy adopted 2/18/97 Revisions adopted 4/21/03; 4/15/19 and 11/17/20.
It shall be the policy of the Ann Arbor District Library:
To strive to represent all viewpoints in its collection. To this end it welcomes individual copies of any books, pamphlets, or other materials provided by outside groups for possible inclusion in the Library collection, if consistent with its needs and balance.
To avoid the promotion of particular beliefs or views. Display or distribution of materials by outside groups does not imply sanction or agreement with the materials by the Ann Arbor District Library.
To serve as an information center providing needed and wanted information to the community. Thus, it is the goal of this display and distribution policy to provide materials of an informative nature rather than to further the causes of any individual group.
To publicize, through the posting of posters, flyers, etc., meetings and other events sponsored by non-profit organizations. This privilege is open to all groups, regardless of political, religious, or moral ideology.
To serve as a distribution facility for publications of groups and organizations such as schools; national, state, and local governmental agencies; quasi-public and social agencies; special interest organizations; service clubs; and publications written, published, sponsored, or co-sponsored by the Ann Arbor District Library. This policy excludes materials of a politically partisan nature or that promote a profit-making organization.
Policy adopted 12/12/95 Revisions adopted 2/17/14
Nothing in this policy shall authorize the distribution of materials by hand to patrons using the library. It should be noted that library display space is limited and therefore distribution of these materials must be in accordance with that limitation. Exceptions to this policy must be approved by the Director of the Ann Arbor Public Library..
Policy adopted 12/12/95
Statement of Purpose:
The Ann Arbor District Library is an information center for the community and encourages the free expression of ideas essential to an informed citizenry. To accomplish this role, a primary objective of the Library is to serve as an active resource for learning, studying and contemplating ideas. In an effort to increase the visual education and artistic experience of all visitors, the Library’s exhibition program features local, regional and national artists as well as traveling exhibitions.
Requirements for the Use of Exhibit Space:
Potential exhibitors are required to submit an exhibit application along with images of the actual works to be considered for review, which will be examined by the Library Exhibits Committee.
The committee will consider a wide range of artistic expression in deciding on potential exhibitors. However, in deciding on the suitability of any work, the committee is mindful that the physical areas of display are used for normal library activity and will be viewed by all segments of the community and all age groups.
The Library does not endorse the beliefs or viewpoints of topics that may be subject of library exhibits, whether library-initiated or sponsored by an individual or group from within the community. The following disclaimer will be placed on each exhibit whether it is in a building or hosted online “The acceptance of any exhibit by the Library does not imply endorsement of the content of the exhibit.”
Exhibit space may not be used for advertising or for commercial enterprises or political candidates.
The Library reserves the right to decline any application that does not promote or is inconsistent with the Library’s educational mission or based on time, place and manner considerations reasonably tailored to the mission and operations of the Library. The Library Director reserves final approval over any recommendations of the Library Exhibits Committee. The Library Director reserves the right to request the exhibitor to make changes to the exhibit as required by the Library.
Policy adopted: 12/12/95 Revisions adopted: 7/16/01; 2/16/09 and 11/17/20.