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Celebrating Ann Arbor's Bicentennial

A stylized map of a portion of downtown Ann Arbor is paired with the text Ann Arbor 200 1824–2024 Bicentennial, placed on a textured paper background.
In 2024, Ann Arbor will celebrate its bicentennial year, the 200th anniversary of its founding.  To mark this occasion, the Ann Arbor District Library is undertaking a project called Ann Arbor 200.  

Over the course of 2024, there will be 200 digital content releases that explore topics from Ann Arbor's history.  Some created by Library staff, some commissioned from artists and filmmakers and writers around the community, and some (we hope) created through partnerships with organizations throughout the city. Some will be informative, some will be whimsical, some will be experimental. The ways we explore these topics—articles, documentaries, podcasts, illustrations, music recordings, animations—will hopefully be as varied as the topics we explore.  

Ann Arbor 200 could never be a complete portrait of the city, but we can attempt to tell some of the stories and explore some of the histories that are meaningful to us, the people who are here at Ann Arbor's 200th. Hopefully we can create something about who we were for our own time and something about who we are for those in the future looking back.