All AADL locations will open at 10 AM on Thursday, February 13!
The Kids Area of the Downtown Library is closed for reorganization & renovations that will last up to 8 weeks. Storytimes, a small selection of kids' books, and a play area are available in the Lobby. More info here.
Book Clubs To Go (BCTG) is a service of the Ann Arbor District Library that provides local book clubs with the convenience of complete kits for book discussions. We hope this service will expand the choices and selections for book groups in Ann Arbor, offering popular titles as well as classics and lesser-known works of award-winning authors, fiction and non-fiction, and even some in large print format. A selection of BCTG kits is available at each AADL location. Click here for a list of all our Book Clubs to Go Included in each BCTG are:
10 copies of the featured book for discussion (or 10 each of two related titles)
1 copy of movie DVD if available
A resource folder containing the following: summary information and reviews of the title, an author biography, a list of suggested discussion questions, and suggestions for further reading.
Each kit circulates for six weeks and may be renewed if there are no outstanding requests. Kits are checked out to one library cardholder representing the book club and can be requested through the online catalog or by calling (734) 327-4200.