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Katherine Staeb House, 1895

Katherine Staeb House, 1895 image

212 Third Street

Katherine Staeb House, 1895

This is one of the homes which makes the Old West Side an area of special architectural interest. Built in the Queen Anne style popular in the late Victorian period, this charming house is particularly notable for the contrasting geometric patterns in the wood siding of the upper story and for the ornamentation of the porch. Katherine Staeb, widow of J. George Staeb, was the first resident and continued to live in the house until the 1930s.

Present owner, Susan Fisher, is taking great care to restore and maintain the exterior wood trim. She is adding a kitchen wing on the rear with care not to impair on the two principal facades.

Rights Held By
Photos used to illustrate Historic Buildings, Ann Arbor, Michigan / by Marjorie Reade and Susan Wineberg.