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There might be a good book in there, but it's lost on me.
submitted by eknapp on March 27, 2013, 3:47pm
I only made it through about 20 pages before quitting. There's a section trying to introduce us to the works of a dead writer that reads like the Old Testament's "this person begat that person, that person begat this other person, this other person begat so-and-so", and so on. It was less than a page but it felt endless.
Then this sentence clinched it for me: "Then the oblique (drops) turned round (drops), swallowed up by the earth underpinning the grass, and the grass and the earth seemed to talk, no, not talk, argue, their incomprehensible words like crystallized spiderwebs or the briefest crystallized vomitings, a barely audible rustling, as if instead of drinking tea that afternoon, Norton had drunk a steaming cup of peyote." I have no idea what I just read. The only reason I didn't stop right there was because I didn't have another book with me on the bus.

New York : Farrar, Straus and Giroux, c2008.
Year Published: 2008
Description: 898 p.
Language: English
Format: Book
9780374100148 (hardcover : alk. paper)
0374100144 (hardcover : alk. paper)
9780374531553 (pbk. : alk. paper)
0374531552 (pbk. : alk. paper)
Wimmer, Natasha.