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The Fault in our Stars

Green, John, 1977- Book - 2012 Teen Book / Fiction / General / Green, John 2 On Shelf No requests on this item Community Rating: 4.4 out of 5

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Sixteen-year-old Hazel, a stage IV thyroid cancer patient, has accepted her terminal diagnosis until a chance meeting with a boy at cancer support group forces her to reexamine her perspective on love, loss, and life.


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Amazing submitted by Amivan on January 14, 2012, 9:24am This book is written perfectly. It made me laugh and cry. Not many books can do that to me. I didn't want to read this at first because I thought it would be boring; I was wrong. It took me a day to finish this book and I wish it was longer. This book is the best John Green has written so far. DFTBA!

Wow submitted by allishaklausch on January 14, 2012, 3:39pm I had tears in my eyes when I finished. Such an amazing book, this is definitely John's best work so far. DFTBA

Go John submitted by manz on January 25, 2012, 1:04pm A lovely little book. John Green's voice is stunning. He writes his characters with such heart and wit, and they are believable. TFIOS is no exception. I want to be friends with the characters he creates.

I cried my heart out during this book. It's a tale of friendship, illness, love, and hope. Be ready!

That Good submitted by Caser on February 12, 2012, 11:26am So far I haven't been able to convince anyone that a book about a teenage girl dying of terminal cancer can actually be really, really funny. Perhaps that doesn't surprise you. As many times as I say to others that it's a celebration of life, that when I was crying I was so happy that I was laughing at the same time, and that I never once felt emotionally manipulated by the author, the characters, or the narrative, it always ends with the same reaction. "I don't want to read about kids dying." How about if I say it's not about the dying, it's about the living. Living and being awesome while you're at it.

I'm not all that surprised to have this overwhelmingly positive response to Green's work, as I've read all of his other books and had similarly contradictory feelings of joy/sadness (is this melancholy?) at various points of those books. Green had worked in at least one hospital for young people earlier in his life, and I think the raw experience shines through honestly in the most powerful dialogue and narrative points of this one. Green's gift for crafting characters that I always care about and feel like friends, combined with the real life experience in the hospital puts The Fault in Our Stars right up there with his best work.

It's still much too early in 2012 to start a best of list...but I don't see myself forgetting this book later in the year when listmaking time comes again.

wow... submitted by Jwaller on June 11, 2012, 11:54am i hated this book. it is terrible.

No Faults Here submitted by papercranes07 on June 18, 2012, 6:37pm Not only is this book very well-written and full of emotion, it is also a great way to see how John Green has grown as a writer since Looking for Alaska was first published. His characters are stronger than ever and Hazel's voice is thoroughly enjoyable. This is definitely the best book I've read all year.

DFTBA! submitted by ProQuestTag2012 on August 24, 2012, 11:25am The plot may not sound original: two teens who have cancer meet, become close, face trials. But once you begin to follow Hazel and Augustus through their typical teenage lives, made increasingly complicated by ever-present struggles with cancer, you won’t be able to stop until you’ve heard all they have to say.

Although this is marketed as a book for teens, The Fault in our Stars is highly recommended for adults as well, as long as you’re prepared for a perspective change. The writing is in all ways smart, clever, and riveting, with an ever-present hint of absolute heartbreak.

Engaging and touching submitted by Amber Kinder on August 31, 2012, 6:05pm This was one of the best books I have ever read. Not only does John Green write an incredibly believable account of a young girl's battle with cancer, he also surprisingly does it with humor and lightheartedness. This book made me laugh and cry at the same time.

One of the Best submitted by catlover17 on December 25, 2012, 11:38am Even though the book was lighthearted and humorous, John Greene managed to make a haunting future await the Hazel and Augustus during their adventures. The ending was a gorgeous, but horrifying, plot twist, and it managed to bring tears to my eyes.

One of my favorites submitted by marisal on June 17, 2013, 1:05pm When I first started this book it seemed these characters were pretty normal besides the fact that they had cancer. They had a favorite book and loved video games. But through their averageness, you could see something special in them. I kept on reading and reading. It's one of those books that you can't put down. I loved it.

Wonderful submitted by LiaKahan on June 17, 2013, 6:35pm John Green has done it again! I love all of his books, but this has to be my favorite. His writing style is so wonderful and unique. It seems that his books speak to everyone in a different way. This is a must read for everyone! Keep on writing John!

Incredible submitted by Commander Taffy on June 19, 2013, 4:16pm This book was incredible, even though it talked about a difficult topic.

So Good submitted by alumeng.ajl on June 26, 2013, 7:13pm This book was oddly hilarious. It's one of the funniest books I've ever read, despite it's depressing topic. Hazel's voice was just so fresh and fun and enjoyable. The romance was sweet and felt so real, and I fell in love with Augustus. And I loved Isaac so much.

Brilliant submitted by DownesS on July 3, 2013, 9:36am This book had me laughing and crying and then laughing again....and then crying. Crying both tears of happiness and sadness. John Green's writing is poetic and beautiful and a pleasure to ingest with every page. Yes, Hazel's story is one of cancer and pain, but it also about knowing joy and finding love. I will be purchasing this book in the future and enjoying it throughout the years. It is the best book I have read in a very long time. You will not regret reading this one.

heart-tugging submitted by camelsamba on July 7, 2013, 1:30pm My oldest son is a big John Green / vlogbrothers / nerdfighters fan, so naturally he pre-ordered this book as soon as he could. He's read most of the JG canon; I've read part of the e-sampler. When I finally got around to reading The Fault in Our Stars, I really enjoyed it. Many people comment how "everyone is endlessly witty and clever, even parents" and that is certainly true. On the other hand, my husband complains about reading the Percy Jackson books to our youngest because "it is written like a teen-ager talks" (in an annoying way). Endlessly witty is definitely more enjoyable, even if not realistic!

I started tearing up around page 100 and did so for a few chapters - but surprisingly, I did not cry through the end. Maybe I knew what to expect and had steeled myself? Perhaps I was grouchy that day? Or maybe I was bucked up by the knowledge that my 2 oldest children did not cry when they read it (hey, they're boys - they've been listening to the rest of the world tell them to not cry, instead of listening to me tell them it's okay to show emotions). Deep, emotional, heart-tugging book. Read it with a tissue box nearby if you're prone to tears.

Moving submitted by ftan on July 8, 2013, 10:48pm This deeply moving story about a girl with cancer hits home as this disease seems to affect all of our lives. By far Green's best book, I finished it in one day because I simply couldn't put it down. This book will make you cry, but it isn't all sadness. There are many moments of laughter at the character's wit and charm. A fantastic book.

Good submitted by jangmikyoung on July 26, 2013, 11:03am I think I was expecting too much from this book because of the countless excellent reviews. However, it was still a great heart-warming book that I enjoyed reading.

The Fault in Our Stars submitted by leehannah on July 26, 2013, 11:04am The Fault in Our Stars is an excellent book and I really think John Green is an amazing author. He really presented the feelings for the characters in a way that made me realize how each character felt.

Meh submitted by yugure on July 27, 2013, 9:29am I do not understand all the hype about this book. Sure, it's decently written, has some humor in it, and tries to paint a sympathetic and empathetic picture of living with cancer, so I understand why some people like it. But the people who treat it like it's the second coming of Christ? I don't get that. It's good, I guess, but nothing to write home about. While Green is technically proficient with his writing, I don't care for his style at all, and his characters seem to be nothing but witticisms on legs. Why does everyone in this book talk like everybody else, so clever and witty? Why can't there be a single unique voice among them? And I really, really disliked Gus and all his pretensions.

relatable submitted by unknown on July 29, 2013, 5:54pm "The Fault in Our Stars" is a work that defies its genre in all the best ways possible. The silly boycrushes and superficial gossip that most writers think makes up 99% of high school steps aside for a beautiful, honest, heartrending story of life, death, and love. I can only compare this book to Markus Zuzak's award-winning "The Book Thief" in terms of sophistication and depth.

Hazel and Augustus are two of the most fleshed-out characters, particularly teenagers, that I have ever read. Their story is a joy and a privilege to read. Furthermore, their love is more real than anything else you will ever find on the Young Adult shelves.

Note- Read it alone if you can. People give you weird looks when you aren't sure if you're laughing or crying.

Heartbreaking, but excellent submitted by emjane on August 9, 2013, 9:16am When terminally-ill Hazel, meets the one-legged but in-remission Augustus, she doesn’t plan to fall in love—after all, when one’s looming death is a grenade, waiting to wound everyone around, it’s best to keep your distance. But when do things go according to plan?

This heartbreaking work—equally love story and cancer story—moves beyond the “dying teens in love” trope, steering clear cheesy life-affirming statements, avoiding over-sentimentality of what it means to live and die, and peppering in humor. Though aspects of the plot are predictable, there are enough surprises to keep the story feeling fresh and readers hurriedly flipping through pages to learn Hazel and Gus’s fates. Even the hard-of-heart will find themselves crying and laughing—occasionally at the same time.

Highly recommended.

5 out of 5 Stars submitted by cmay18 on November 14, 2013, 8:45pm I love this book sooo much! It's funny and sad at the same time, which is a perfect balance. You really get to see how much Hazel and Augustus love each other which is great. This book is amazing and one of my favorite books. You should definitely read it.

Honest submitted by kylahyatt on December 29, 2013, 12:51pm This isn't a forgettable book. It's funny, sarcastic, devastating, all at the same time. If you are someone who doesn't enjoy reading, all I can say is, I know many people who's minds have been changed by this book. Yes, there is a lot of hype about this book, and some people don't think it lives up to the expectations, but I find that most people who have read this book care deeply about Hazel, Augustus, and even Isaac, and if you have already read it, reread it because it is better the second time.

Life Changing! submitted by Gabriela Valderrama on June 13, 2014, 2:08pm Ok, anyone who tells you that this book is anything other than "incredible" didn't read this book right. John Green succeeds again in making your perspective and your view on life change dramatically, in a great way. I'm seriously speechless at this point. No words can describe how incredible, and just life changing The Fault In Our Stars by John Green really is.

In My All-Time Top 5 submitted by wendylv on June 13, 2014, 2:56pm For a story about dying teenagers, this book is incredibly life-affirming. The characters are finely crafted, the dialogue will stick in your brain and have you chuckling days later, and the plot is a roller coaster that only goes up, my friend.

great submitted by nicenora2371 on June 13, 2014, 4:05pm This is a great book .

Romantic and Witty submitted by soulfulfiona on June 14, 2014, 7:30am This book is more than a cancer story its a story about love and life, being in the moment and living. This book is a romantic and witty novel that is sure to make you smile and cry I have never read anything so amazingly beautiful in my whole life.

Not As Good As Expected submitted by xiwang on June 14, 2014, 12:08pm Everybody was so hyped about this book, that I decided to read it for myself. I wasn't good at all. The main characters didn't think once about the dedication of their parents. They ignored them and ran off on some vacation. Their parents basically sacrificed their own lives to help their kids and what do they do? Turn around and run off with some other kid.

Good book for teens submitted by estoting on June 14, 2014, 4:37pm Good book for teens. I would not recommend it for kids younger than 11.

So So So Good submitted by pbolz10 on June 15, 2014, 8:29pm I absolutely loved this book! It gives a picture of what life means and what love really is. It also shows how rude and ignorant some people really are. I like the book also because it is so real. I cried like 3 times.

Amazing submitted by lydiav on June 16, 2014, 7:13am I've read this book many times and every time I love more than the last time I read it. It is an amazing book and I highly recommend it!

Great submitted by Chelseamuoka on June 16, 2014, 12:01pm I am currently reading the book and it will make you happy, sad, and make you wan to to cry. I highly recommend it

awwwwwww submitted by daisylove123 on June 16, 2014, 12:26pm omg this book will make you pour your eyes out and its actualy a great book

So many feelings submitted by cute panda 37 on June 16, 2014, 8:21pm This book is the story of very love struck teen who wants to fit in but for hazel it's a little bi more extreme. Cancer. Jhon Green is the geeky genius behind this book. AMAZING!!!!

Quick Read before the movie submitted by tbbrown76 on June 16, 2014, 9:46pm I liked every word. Well, the ending is a bit unsatisfying.

Beautiful submitted by gracigirl13 on June 18, 2014, 6:52pm John Green has a victory once again. Seriously this book is fantastic!

amazing!!!!!!!!! submitted by dillonac9 on June 19, 2014, 10:15am I loved this book

Great Writing submitted by emessenger922 on June 19, 2014, 1:47pm I borrowed this book from my sister about a month ago, but for some reason didn't start it til the other night. I had seen commercials for the movie, it didn't really seem like something I'd be interested in, but once I started it I couldn't put it down. Regardless of the fact that the story itself it moving, the writing is phenomenal and I was engaged from page one. Highly recommended.

Awesome! submitted by keb157 on June 19, 2014, 3:41pm This book is one of my favorites. I love the way that John Green brings the story to life! I could not put this book down.

Refreshing but very sad submitted by cpaskus on June 24, 2014, 9:34am Though he is not a teenage girl, author John Green has mastered the funny, thought-provoking, and sometimes painfully awkward dialogue of one, and, in fact, the whole teenage demographic. His characters are recognizable in our classmates and neighbors, and often ourselves; his protective and worrying parents who just want the best for their daughter, the sullen daughter content to spend the rest of her life reading and avoiding human interaction, and the 'cool kid' who sweeps her away and shows her life can be an adventure. However, inspite of the hype, I do not believe that The Fault in Our Stars is his best book. At times it seems to take itself too seriously, and i missing the humor that made me fall in love with John Green in An Abundance of Katherines.

awesome submitted by ECReader on June 24, 2014, 10:55am this book was sooo good. it is one of my favorite books. i watched the movie before i finished the book, and didnt cry, but after finishing the book: i cryed. this book is heartbreaking and amazing and everything a book should have is produced in this book. i think everyone should read this at somepoint.

Leaves you wanting more submitted by merioma on June 25, 2014, 4:47pm Just like Hazel wanted to know what happens to Annas family I wanted to know want happens to Hazel. But John Green plays it smart and leaves you to your own devices. I cant wait for John to write another book

Great submitted by annaleenowak on June 25, 2014, 6:14pm Hazel Grace Lancaster is amazing! This book is good and sad at times, but in a good way. You should read this book!!

great submitted by aparna70 on June 26, 2014, 5:15pm love this book

Good submitted by bluepapaya on June 26, 2014, 5:31pm I really liked this book

Will broaden your worldview submitted by Susan4Pax -prev. sueij- on June 27, 2014, 1:59pm I actually had decided to pass on this book for the time being, as I knew that one was supposed to read it with a box of tissues handy, and didn't feel like now was the moment in life when I wanted to go there. But my last-two-weeks-of-fifth-grade son had two friends recommend it to him, and his teacher said that if he wanted to read it, he needed parent approval, so here I went anyway.

(The end result is that this particular kid is mature enough to handle it, as long as he was willing to discuss what he read with me along the way and at the end. I planned to check in on his bookmark every time he put it down so I'd know what he had been reading. Then, when I told him this, I said, "You know it's about two teens with cancer, right?" "Yeah," he said. "And you know it's pretty much a romance, right?" "IT IS?!? Well then never mind. I don't want to read it." Cracks me up, and I knew that would happen.)

But as for the book, it's wonderfully well written. Hazel, who narrates the story, is sardonic and deep, thoughtful and funny, real and insightful. I think *especially* for younger (teen-ish) readers, this is an amazing view into a life different from their own. It's one of those books where you really feel like you are there. You know those studies that say that reading fiction makes people more empathetic? Well, this book makes you believe it. Simply reading it broadens your worldview, if it's not one you already know.

For the right age group (generally older than my 10 year old), an excellent read. And you'll probably want that box of tissues.

Tear jerker submitted by jbatteh on July 5, 2014, 9:30pm I enjoyed the book from beginning to end. It was funny, sad, thoughtful. The focus is on the struggle of the kids and what they are trying to deal with and adapt to. The family is there, but the perspective is the kids. I think it was a unique and thoughtful book that made me think of how I would talk with someone struggling with a potentially terminal illness.

good but sad submitted by philiptv on July 6, 2014, 1:13pm I was against reading this at first because it was about dying kids. However it was good and i would recommend it.

Amazing submitted by hua on July 7, 2014, 7:17am Best. Book. EVER!!!!

So Sad Yet So GOOD submitted by ArtGirl13 on July 7, 2014, 10:35am It was amazingly sad but still had a good ending, I couldn't put it down!

New and exciting submitted by Dannihu on July 8, 2014, 6:40pm This is the first book that has this new idea and topic. Very interesting and fascinating.

Great submitted by yellowdog0809 on July 9, 2014, 6:41pm This is a great book about people with cancer. Very sad but a great read!

Beyond amazing submitted by bookworm12345 on July 12, 2014, 11:55am The Fault in Our Stars is one of the best books. It captures how life really is: unfair, as it is not a "wish-granting factory", in a most intriguing, funny, and heartbreaking way. There are so many electric bursts of humor as there are bursts of agonizing sadness. This book has amazing quotes in it, and the writing is phenomenal. I highly recommend this book to everyone.

beautiful story submitted by yojasor on July 14, 2014, 8:55am It's a moving story and worth the read.

Not just for teens submitted by Lucy S on July 26, 2014, 2:26pm This book is a good read for adults and teens alike. So good, so sad.

So good!! submitted by yslee on August 1, 2014, 8:45am The Fault in Our Stars is amazing! (but sad)
If you haven't read it yet, you definitely should.

A great read submitted by VickyB77 on June 12, 2015, 9:00am Yes, it's sad. But so is life, at times. What's nice about this book is that even though these characters are going through terrible tragedies, they don't give up. They don't just mope around. They see the good things in life, and LIVE the moments they have left. Great characaters, and great message.

Amazing! submitted by sharmas on June 12, 2015, 1:04pm This is a wonderful book! My all-time favorite!

The fault in this book submitted by Motomori on June 15, 2015, 12:34pm Everyone gave so much hype about this book. They talked about how sad, amazing, spectacular, and beautifully written this was. I honestly thought it was just another teen romance that everyone was obsessed with. I admit, it was very sad and heartwarming, but it was just like any other teen romance novel. Some, if not all, parts of this book were predictable, but all of the book was cheesy and hard to read because it was boring. I struggled to finish the book, but after I did, I moved on, and I suggest that the rest of you should too.

awesome submitted by HT on June 15, 2015, 9:37pm its really sad at the end. But still awesome!

Heart Breaking submitted by marthalj on June 20, 2015, 8:43am Unlike some stories, The Fault In Our Stars is a book that gently tugs at your heart until it falls apart. You don't notice the pain it is causing you until the end of the story that so many people love. Including me;). I definitely recommend this book to anyone above the age of 11, unless they are an advanced letter(like myself). It is a book that, at times can be hard to grasp. Hence, the need to be a little older to read this book. All in all, I love this book soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much!
~Smarty Marty:)

amazing submitted by Smile1975 on July 3, 2015, 3:47pm love this book it changes your way of thinking as a teenager!

amazing!!! submitted by aiden_1123 on July 11, 2015, 4:37pm the book was really good but the sad part was when gus died.

Touching submitted by Stanley on July 14, 2015, 8:11pm This book was read by most of my classmates, so why don't I read it? I did read it and it really told me that life doesn't always go your way.

Amazing! submitted by dwliu90 on June 17, 2016, 12:06pm Even I, who dislikes romance, LOVED this book.

Amazing submitted by anushagupta on June 20, 2016, 10:54am An emotional roller coaster ride with funny and sad moments.

This book is wonderful submitted by KarleneKulp on June 27, 2016, 8:55pm I got many requests to read this book, by family, by friends, and by strangers online. So many good things were written about this book and even John Green. He is a fun and quirky man who can write well. He has a Youtube channel with his brother Hank Green called Vlog Brothers. A relatable man and a whole lot of books, sounds too perfect. The rumors were true, this book is fantastic. The writing syle is great, the story even better and the heart wrenching times he puts you through. If you have not yet read this highly talked about book, check it out at the library.

Great book! submitted by rekha on June 28, 2016, 9:24pm I am not a big fan of bittersweet stories. And had I known the story plot, I probably wouldn't have picked up the book. However, I have lately become a fan of John Green by watching his vlog so I thought I would try his book.

Excellent book! Highly recommend it.The rumors were true, this book is fantastic. Green's writing style is fantastic. Good summer read.

engaging and thought-provoking submitted by 21621031390949 on August 24, 2016, 1:18pm This is classified as teen fiction; however it is engaging and thought provoking for adults as well. Having lost a daughter to cancer, I was a little reluctant to read this at first, but I'm very glad I did. Told from the eyes of the teen with cancer, it is a different and compelling view. As in other books, John Green creates very believable characters, unique, quirky, and engaging. Like a Neil Simon character, these are perhaps a bit wittier than most of us, but they're fun. The book moves quickly and is hard to put down.

Good Read submitted by hahahame on July 24, 2017, 6:14pm It was a good read, but it was very sad. A bit cliche, but another good young adult novel by Green.

So good, so sad submitted by KOH on August 12, 2017, 12:35am Read it!

:0 submitted by Pia peanut on June 17, 2018, 9:45pm I cried so much.......

My favorite book submitted by priscilladu on June 27, 2018, 9:45am I think this is probably one of my all time favorite books. It's so interesting and sorta cliche, but I still love it. It's really heartbreaking and touching. I definitely recommend reading this.

A Wonderful, Thought-Provoking Read submitted by ajstemp on June 28, 2018, 11:11am Like John's other books, The Fault in Our Stars is thought-provoking, deeply human, and thoroughly fascinating. It's sad but witty, and feels thoroughly real and believable. Along with the other reviewers, I would highly recommend it.

5 of 5 stars submitted by cullerth on July 22, 2018, 1:03pm John Green has definitely crafted a page turner here. His books always get a lot of hype, but I think this is the only one that lives up to it all (perhaps with the exception of Looking For Alaska).

What a great book! submitted by Heidi Miles on June 17, 2019, 2:35pm A great read!

Amazing submitted by afanz99 on June 22, 2019, 9:37pm Best Read Ever

Pretty Good submitted by c_zhang on June 26, 2019, 7:10pm It's very real and genuine. I wholly enjoyed reading it.

Good Book submitted by avakunnath on July 12, 2019, 12:48pm Well-written and captivating. I read it throughout the day whenever I could stop and read a few pages. You don’t want to put it down. Funny and sad and moving.

Hard read submitted by Aimless on July 21, 2019, 3:20am It hit too close to home and I needed to stop reading it

The Fault in our Stars submitted by Varshini on July 27, 2019, 12:36pm Pretty sad ending. Though this book is a bit cliche, it's good anyway. Great read.

Pretty good submitted by sydcha on August 2, 2019, 5:32pm While John Green is an amazing author and this book seems to be a crown favorite, I didn't enjoy it as much as I thought I would. The concept is well thought out, but the ending is a bit rushed and I felt like the pace was a little sporadic.

Awesome submitted by me11yagn on August 26, 2019, 6:32pm This book was a creative way to look at the realities of life. I think we should all appreciate the lives we are currently living in.

Great submitted by Clown81 on August 31, 2019, 3:20am A great story.

So good! submitted by mshivaprasad on July 22, 2020, 3:19pm This book is a real tear jerker!

Not that good submitted by shailu on June 14, 2022, 10:18am Do teenagers even speak like this? It's enough to drive a reader insane. In addition, romanticizing illness is never fun or swoony.

Bestly Broken submitted by The Book Broken Girl on August 4, 2022, 7:45pm I put off reading this book for a long time because I thought I had read every type of sad book out there. In every genre, there was a book that broke me. But never again will I say that, because I have realized that no matter how broken you think you are, there will always be a book that can break you more, if given the chance.

For me, I read Divergent, and all of my comfort characters died. I thought I would never read again. But then I heard so many people raving about TFIOS, and so read again I did.

I used to think: oh, this is your typical girl-with-cancer book. But let me tell you. If you had told me two months ago that a girl with a terminal illness falling in love with a former cancer patient could be as funny as TFIOS is, I would’ve laughed in your face. Now, I will nod and say, "Well, that's Hazel for you." This book changed my perspective on a lot of things, including life. And not many books can do that. I have a heart of steel. ;)

Not only do the characters have realistic problems and personalities, they just SEEM fully real. And yes, I understand that that is the point of contemporary fiction, but not many authors can execute it as well as Green does.

This book was also the first time in a long time I cried while reading a book. You need to understand: while Green writes incredibly well, in a way that makes you think you’re actually in Hazel’s head, I, for one, did not feel emotionally manipulated at all. The characters teach important lessons, and, even more important, they LEARN important lessons. Like how to live each minute to its fullest, even when you don't know how many minutes you have left.

Yes, this book breaks you. But not in the typical way a book will break you. Most books will tear apart your heart in a split-second. But with this book, its hard to even realize you're breaking. It slowly chips away at your heart, and you won't even realize that you're destroyed until the very end. But it's the best kind of broken. Knowing I broke out pure sadness and love for a character makes me love books that do that to me more than anything. I wouldn't trade that feeling for the world.

Needless to say, this book moved me to my core. If you’re putting it off for something other than an emergency, then you need to move this right to the top of your TBR. Because it is worth the hours of no sleep, worth missing your favorite camp, worth all the minutes of palms-hitting-forehead, strings of missed texts, and all the tears in the world.

I don’t regret a thing.

The Book Broken Girl

The Fault in our Stars submitted by jhaberich on June 29, 2023, 12:58pm This book was pretty good. It was a heartwarming story about a girl with cancer, but as the book goes on it becomes more than that. I really connected to the characters and was caught up in every twist and turn. To be fair, I didn't love every part of the book, but the parts that mattered were all there and beautiful.

read in middle school submitted by hdbond20 on July 24, 2023, 2:32pm i read this in middle school. it was my favorite book. it still is a tear jerker love story.

Wonderful submitted by pratibhamahesh on August 5, 2023, 12:08am This is John Green's best book so far. Such a heartwarming story about two people who are going through cancer and form this undeniable bond. The book is such an emotional roller coaster for me!

Amazing Read submitted by reach4theSky on July 18, 2024, 9:38pm Heart wrenching, thrilling, comedic, romantic. An entanglement of lives that are so different but connected by one common bond: cancer. A must read for hopeless romantics (especially teens!)

Still thinking about this one submitted by alyson702 on July 31, 2024, 6:26pm I read this years ago and still think about it — the characters are so beautiful and heartbreaking. I’ve read a bunch of his books, but this one is my favorite.

so excellent submitted by jlopez2 on August 9, 2024, 5:05pm rereading this more than ten years later and its still soo good!

omg submitted by ojohnls on August 14, 2024, 8:27pm this has been my favorite book for about a year now and it still stands in first place. the combination of sadness and philosophy took me on a roller coaster of emotions

Cover image for The fault in our stars

New York : Dutton Books, 2012.
Year Published: 2012
Description: 318 p. ; 22 cm.
Language: English
Format: Book

Lexile: 850


Cancer -- Fiction.
Terminally ill -- Fiction.