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Wonder Woman 2017

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Originally released as a motion picture in 2017.
Based on characters from DC.
Wonder Woman created by William Moulton Marston.
Gal Gadot, Chris Pine, Robin Wright, Connie Nielsen, David Thewlis, Danny Huston, Elena Anaya, Ewen Bremner.
Before she was Wonder Woman she was Diana, princess of the Amazons, trained warrior. When a pilot crashes and tells of conflict in the outside world, she leaves home to fight a war to end all wars, discovering her full powers and true destiny.
DVD, region 1, widescreen presentation; Dolby 5.1 surround, descriptive audio 5.1.
Contents: Wonder Woman.


Wonder Woman submitted by PizzaPuppy on September 21, 2017, 11:33am The brand new Wonder Woman movie is now out on DVD! This demigoddess, superhero and warrior princess has been delighting audiences since 1941 and has had a huge cultural impact across the globe. We have TONS of Wonder Woman materials for all age groups here at AADL to help you celebrate Princess Diana of Themyscira's first feature length movie.

The Secret History of Wonder Woman and Wonder Woman Unbound both give us an in-depth look at the history of Wonder Woman and her impact on popular culture throughout the years.

Although this is her first foray into the world of feature films, Wonder Woman has previously graced the screen in many different TV shows and movies. There are several animated movies, including the 2017 Wonder Woman film and the 2008 Wonder Woman film. The Wonder Woman TV series ran for three years (Seasons 2 and 3 are available here at AADL as well). Wonder Woman has also been featured in many Justice League and Super Friends films and television shows, as well as her cameo in the recent Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice movie (played by Gal Gadot in the cameo as well as in the newly released movie).

We have tons of Wonder Woman materials for kids! There is a lengthy Wonder Woman chapter book series, with titles like The Fruit of All Evil, Creature of Chaos, and Trial of the Amazons, and a graphic novel called DC Super Hero Girls: Hits and Myths. We have stand-alone chapter books like Amazon Warrior and Wonder Woman vs. Circe. Younger readers may enjoy the Readers Wonder Woman to the Rescue and Warrior for Justice, while babies may enjoy the DC Super Friends Lift-the-Flap book. The DC Super Hero Girls movie: Hero of the Year features Wonder Woman as well.

Teens will want to take a look at the Superman/Wonder Woman series (with Vol 2, Vol 3 and Vol 4). Our most recent additions include The Legend of Wonder Woman, Wonder Woman and the Justice League America Vol. 1, Wonder Woman by Mike Deodato, and Wonder Woman Vol. 1 by Greg Rucka. Other teen titles include The Hiketeia, The True Amazon, Down to Earth, The Circle, and Bitter Rivals.

Adults have plenty to choose from as well, with many of the titles released recently, such as Wonder Woman: Vol 1 The Lies and Wonder Woman, Earth One Vol 1. We have the full series by Brian Azzarello, comprised of Vol 1: Blood, Vol 2: Guts, Vol 3: Iron, Vol 4: War, Vol 5: Flesh, and Vol 6: Bones. Older series on hand at AADL include Wonder Woman: Odyssey Vol 1 and Love and Murder.

Wonderful submitted by steveiew on June 19, 2018, 2:52pm It's great to finally have a female superhero movie in this era of renewed interest is superheros. The movie was well done and entertaining. I was a little disappointed with the significance they gave the romance but still enjoyed the movie.

FINALLY! submitted by VanCancue on June 20, 2018, 7:39pm A female super hero portrayed with more substance rather than the superficial. A perfect blend of strong and gentle. Just wished they used her theme music a little more and especially as she enter's no mans land. LOVED IT!!!!

The Female Superhero Movie We Deserve submitted by Meginator on July 7, 2018, 1:46pm It took a while in the current glut of superhero films to finally bring a female superhero to the big screen in a major studio production, but Wonder Woman is well worth the wait. Gal Godot is excellent as Diana Prince, bringing depth and heart to the character and making her pop off of the screen while kicking serious butt in the action scenes. The film itself manages to craft a compelling origin story that adds to the film while advancing the characters. At no point does it feel like the Patty Jenkins is simply going through the motions, and the filmmaking is top notch in every respect, from the script and casting to costuming. This is a superhero movie with real stakes and real depth, proving that women can do anything men can do, in the DC Shared Universe or in our own world.

a nice romp submitted by lisa on August 14, 2018, 2:35pm tho really i wish we'd just stayed on the island with the wimmin

Great submitted by Claireywang on September 8, 2018, 1:54pm This movie is seriously great. You should watch it.

Terrible! submitted by mellonir on April 23, 2019, 7:02pm I hate superhero movies!
Hollywood is lazy and unimaginative and that's why they keep making them.
I've been reading comics since I was 3!
Every comic book and animation character does not need a live-action take!
This was more like an ad for cosmetics!
Hollywood, please stop with superhero movies!
The Emperor wears no clothes!

Girl power submitted by AprilCDB on August 15, 2019, 8:46pm It’s nice to see some strong powerful female super hero’s. Very good movie, enjoyed it.

Wonder Woman 2017 submitted by Varshini on August 21, 2019, 9:55pm Wonder Woman was pretty good. The visuals were nice, but the story was lacking in some spots. 4/5 stars.

Worth your time! submitted by parlettes on July 18, 2020, 12:49am It was great to finally see a female hero-driven story. While the romance was a bit much, this movie opened the door to others that are may follow it. I really enjoyed the painstaking details put into the scenery.

Good movie submitted by mshivaprasad on July 22, 2020, 3:35pm Loved the plot, storyline, everything! Definitely watch it!

Overpromised, Overhyped submitted by sVfGI7Glt2pz7GZgVB90 on August 2, 2020, 7:10am I grew up reading---and loving---Wonder Woman comics and I was so eager to hear a live-action film was forthcoming But Gal Gadot's acting is awful, she is wooden, inexpressive and can't deliver dialogue or heroics. Director Patty Jenkins is just as disappointing. The action and dialogue were so unsavory that I felt I was watching a insipid fan film done by inexperienced people who never made a film before.

Lead submitted by Clown81 on July 5, 2022, 2:24pm I liked the lead actress in this film.

look up submitted by sandri on July 25, 2022, 1:47pm its great to have a female superhero who little girls can look up to.

Wonder woman movie 2017 submitted by thgibsondc on July 10, 2023, 8:00pm Enjoyable movie with some unanticipated turns and plot twist.

4.5 stars submitted by skiger on July 4, 2024, 2:16pm This is a great wonder woman origin story. The time in Themyscria is the best part and I would have watched a whole movie set there on the Amazon women. Definitely 3rd act problems that brought down the piece but overall a solid film.

Excellent Retelling submitted by jgerman79 on July 23, 2024, 8:22am I'm biased as Wonder Woman has always been my hero(ine). This movie makes one change to the WW mythos but otherwise delivers on so many levels! It was wonderful to see a well done live action adaptation that tries to stay faithful.