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Ann Arbor Adventures Ann Arbor Farmers Market

Edens, Ashlee Kristine Book Download - 2023 Community Rating: 3.9 out of 5

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The Ann Arbor Adventures is a picture book series that captures the magic of the city of Ann Arbor. Ann Arbor has many places that cater to kids' minds, creativity, abilities, and growth. There are numerous things to do in this wonderful city that will create lasting memories for children. These places deserve to be celebrated. This book is about everything the Ann Arbor Farmers Market has to offer.

Illustrations by Nicole Ray


Ann Arbor Farmers Market submitted by NiBo on June 9, 2023, 7:31pm I wanted to like it, but I really didn't. It didn't flow well and felt like a low-budget advertisement for the farmer's market. The best part was when it was over and there were a couple nice pictures and a list of when certain things are in season.

Farmers market submitted by vulke99 on June 17, 2023, 4:55pm Cute book. Illustrations were very good.

Seasonal highlights submitted by trina05 on June 19, 2023, 10:00am Cute picture book with seasonal and local highlights of the farmers market

A Nice Concept submitted by Meginator on June 20, 2023, 2:13pm This book is built around a nice idea but ultimately fails to capture a specific sense of place and seasonality that might have made the project truly pop and come alive. The creators are on the right track in highlighting different events that happen throughout the year, but neither the text nor the illustrations fully capture the changing seasons, to the extent that I was confused when the calendar turned back around to spring and had to go back to see whether each vignette did, indeed, fall along an annual cycle. The pictures do capture the Farmers Market’s geography and spirit fairly well, although I think the reading experience would flow much better with a consistent set of characters rather than these seemingly unconnected snapshots.

Decent submitted by nmkennedy on July 29, 2023, 7:53am An "ok" tribute to the farmers market

Informative submitted by DL on July 29, 2023, 6:22pm Cute story that gives information about the Ann Arbor Farmers Market.

Cute series of books - preferred the others submitted by lilymctaggart on July 12, 2024, 7:27am This is from a cute series of books about Ann Arbor places. I enjoy the illustrations in each of the books and think it’s great to have children’s books about places a child will actually go! That said, this one compared to the others was not written as a kid would read. Another review said it doesn’t fully capture the spirit of the farmer’s market and I think that was a great description of what I felt but couldn’t put my finger on.

Cover image for Ann Arbor Adventures Ann Arbor Farmers Market

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Fifth Avenue Press

Year Published: 2023
Format: Book Download