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Meet “It’s All Write!” 2017 Judge #5: Katherine Arden!

by BugsAndSlugs

The fifth judge for this year's “It’s All Write!” Teen Writing Contest is Katherine Arden, the author of the critically acclaimed debut novel, The Bear and the Nightingale. In this story of 14th century Russia, Arden’s heroine, Vasya, is a willful child who can speak to wood sprites and household spirits. Her ability is tolerated until her father marries a pious woman who detests the pagan beliefs of Vasya's people, and as the villagers turn from their old ways, the spirits that kept them safe begin to fade. Vasya soon finds she may be alone in her ability to save her family, her village, and perhaps the world.

Check out Katherine Arden’s website to learn more about her adventures in Moscow, picking macadamia nuts in Maui and the roundabout way in which she became a published author. And don’t worry, if you love The Bear the and Nightingale, it’s the first installment in a trilogy!

Stay tuned for more information about “It’s All Write!” Teen Writing Contest 2017 Judges!


We are just as thrilled to have Katherine Arden on our panel of judges this year! Believe it or not, it was just a matter of asking her, and as with all of the judges this year, she has generously agreed to spend what remains of her free time to read contestants' stories.

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