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An Ologies Badge

Are you CURIOUS? Great! Are you a CAT? Well don't worry! Curiosity has killed no cats in the making of this badge and you also don't have to be a cat (or even CARE about cats) to enjoy the podcast we are featuring today. It doesn't even have ANYTHING TO DO WITH CATS. We just like referencing idioms once in a while.

This badge has been awarded to 312 players

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Ologies is one of my favorite podcasts! I was so pleased when I saw that you had a badge just for them! <3

Thank you for this badge! I don't listen to a lot of podcasts, but this one is so accessibly informative and fun!

Badge Series
Winter Game's Listen
Winter Game's Cast List


⭐️⭐️⭐️ Super Tricky 3 of out 4 difficulty

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