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Letter Labyrinth Four

Welcome to Letter Labyrinth! 

Find as many words as you can in this 4x4 grid by connecting letters horizontally, vertically, and diagonally. No skipping around the board. Letters must touch.

- Words must be 3+ letters.

- You may use each letter only once within a word.

- No proper nouns or contractions.

- IMPORTANT NOTE ON ACCEPTED WORDS: This list is intended to have "commonly known" words. This will cause outrage; that is ok. There is one solution list for all players.

To earn your badge, enter any ONE of the two 7-letter words in this grid as your code. 

There are TWO 7-letter words, and entering any one of those will earn you this badge.

Check your answers on the Accepted Word List! Spoiler! This list contains ALL the Accepted Words for today's puzzle.

4x4 letter grid

Interested in playing *beyond the badge*?? Here are some more ways to play!

Solo play: Find as many words as you can! The total number of words is provided, see if you can find them all!

Competitive play: Each player finds as many words as they can. Set a time limit, 3 minutes, 5 minutes, ALL DAY? Your choice! When time's up, share your lists and cross off any words that appear on more than one person's list. Total up the score using only the remaining words on each player's list. The player with the most tallies wins!


3 letter words = 1 tally

4 letter words = 2 tallies

5 letter words = 3 tallies

6 letter words = 4 tallies

7 letter words = 5 tallies

8+ letter words = 6 tallies

Happy word searching!


This badge has been awarded to 845 players

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Missed one:
aecidia (plural) is a specialized reproductive structure found in some plant pathogenic rust fungi that produce aeciospores.

Well, thanks, phuhn: I loved learning about aecidia. There's also Giardia, a genus of flagellate protozoans, likely a bit more commonly used than aecidia (at least in my world). But I'm good with the AADL staff's discretion. :-)

I’m confused I put two in and neither worked so I looked at the list and along with mine two there were two more and none of them worked?

When I admitted defeat and clicked on the accepted word list I got the one for week seven. Help! Any kind of hint would help, maybe a first letter?

After staring at this for a long time, I found "cheloid." It is seven letters, but it is not one of the two words.

I'll keep looking....

Also, my brain wants really badly to find "cheddar." But there is only one "d," so that is not happening!

Badge Series
Letter Labyrinth 2021


⭐️⭐️ Tricky 2 of out 4 difficulty

Badge Points

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