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Super Summer Reader

Complete the Summer Reading Game and earn a code worth 2000 points!

This badge has been awarded to 4052 players

Sign in to see clues and check your progress on this badge



If you just log it on the website -It gives you the code once you finish 10 books as well. :)

For the book reward for completing the reading game, do we have to get it at a library or can we pick the book online?

Prize books for kids and teens need to be picked out in-person at one of the libraries. Just visit a desk at any location and you'll be able to browse a cart full of options! Thanks!

I've been logging my reading in the game with more than 10 items but this badge has not been triggered, am I doing something wrong?

Hi there! It looks like all you had left to do was enter the code (it can be found on the logging page after you hit the 10 book mark). I went ahead and took care of it so the badge is now rewarded to you!

Well done and thanks for playing! :)

Badge Series
Getting Started 2022


⭐️ Standard 1 of out 4 difficulty

Badge Points

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