by SaraP
PECK your bags, we’re going on a STAR SAFARI. While we’re there, we’re gonna REEL in some REVIEWS. Why??? Because we’re drawn like a MOTH TO THE GAME and no pun is too CHEESY, no SUPER SEARCH is too NETORIOUS, and no EXPEDITION is too MISLEADING for our players!!!!
Speaking of expeditions, if you like a good expedition ‘round town, you’ll be glad to know that LAWN & LIBRARY CODES are returning in ONE WEEK on July 7th. That’s right, we’re bringing better lawns and libraries to a neighborhood near you!
We know some of you are wondering, “What are LAWN & LIBRARY CODES???” Great question! They are codes you get to CREATE YOURSELF and affix to your lawn or a Summer Game Stop outside your favorite AADL location!!! More deets coming next week. For now, just know that there will be lawn signs. There will be library signs. And there will be OPTIONS about which one you choose to use, if you want to use one at all! Bottom line: You’ll get a chance to create a BRAND SPANKIN' NEW CODE for fellow players to HAPPEN UPON!
And for those of you with lawn signs from last year, we know you can’t wait. TRY THOUGH!! Because only a MONSTER would put an old or unactivated code out there before the thing starts!!!! (FULL DISCLOSURE: In the EVENT that you did this, we understand your enthusiasm and think of you more as an eager little Grover-type monster—we don’t want to crush your SG MOREL.) Hang tight, maybe grab an ERASER, and stay tuned for details on Friday July 7th—we're almost there!
LAST THING!!! The thing you’ve all been MOBILIZING towards this whole time: The SUMMER GAME SHOP also opens on Friday, July 7th!!! It will stay open throughout the summer and there will be plenty of prizes at plenty of pRICE points! And when we say price points, we mean prices INVOLVING points!!
Okay, all you cool CATS and fluffy CHICKENS, it’s time to get going!!! THANKS for PLAYING!

Blog Post
Summer Game
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Love it!