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Morel of the Story

Is your stomach rumbling? It's time to talk about another EDIBLE Fungi: the MOREL!

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I’m stuck on Clue 3. I’ve tried “abiotic” and “acidic”, neither of which leads me to the clue.

I have put in the code for #4 and it says I have redeemed it. However, it is not showing up as such and I cannot move on to the last clue.

It is! (Which is why I redacted your answer). Be sure you aren't searching with quotes around your answer, and remember it's not always found in the first item the search returns. It is within the first ten items, though! Give it another go!

Take a close look at the section labeled "Gastronomical Value and Culinary Uses" on this wikipedia page:
Make sure you're searching for both words (and plural), and don't search with quotes around your answer. Remember it's not always found in the first item the search returns. It is within the first ten items, though!

Did you use its two-word name (G.B.), no quotes around it? That should get you there. Double check you didn't try to SNEAK an "e" into the first word of its name; that's a common way it's misspelled! Your code is within the first ten results.

Hi there! You're SO CLOSE! That 9-letter word *IS* your code, so instead of searching for it in the catalog, you simply enter it in as a found code. Thanks for playing!

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⭐️⭐️ Tricky 2 of out 4 difficulty

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