AADL Celebrates 5 Star Ranking in Library Journal Survey of Public Libraries
by aadl-news
The Ann Arbor District Library is one of the top libraries in the country, according to a new survey by Library Journal, America’s Star Libraries, published in its February 15 issue. Of the 7,115 libraries evaluated for the report, only 256 (3.5 %) received stars for their achievements. AADL was one of ten of 88 libraries nation-wide in its budget bracket (libraries with an annual budget of $10M – $29.9M) to receive the highest possible overall ranking of 5 stars. In Michigan, 376 libraries qualified for evaluation, with only two receiving stars - AADL with its 5-star ranking, and Canton Public Library which earned 3 stars in its budget bracket.
The survey was based on data reported to the Institute of Museum and Library Services for fiscal year 2005-2006 and since this data was collected, AADL’s service statistics have continued to rise. Traditionally, many public library decision-makers have focused on circulation alone as the performance indicator for a successful library. Today, the full range of services now includes electronic access, facilities use, and programming.
The inaugural LJ Index of Public Library Service, sponsored by Baker & Taylor's Bibliostat, is based on 2005-2006 data for:
• circulation transactions per capita, including checkouts and renewals;
• visits to library buildings per capita;
• computer sessions per capita;
• program attendance per capita,
as reported by local libraries to their state library agencies and compiled by the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS). Top libraries are organized into star tiers, much like the Michelin guide, for example, with five, four, or three stars. Libraries are scored in relation to other peer libraries based on total operating expenditures rather than on community population.
These numbers and this ranking reflect YOUR use of YOUR public library. Enjoy!
Based on the data reported to IMLS in fiscal year 2005-2006, AADL, with a service population of 155,000 had:
• 34.3 circulation transactions per capita
• 9.1 visits to library buildings per capita
• 1.6 computer sessions per capita
• 0.3 program attendees per capita
Since 2005-2006, growth has continued at AADL:
• Annual circulation transactions have increased 57% to 8,173,534
• Visits to library buildings rose 16.5 % to 1,642,078
• Computer sessions increased 6% to 259,338
• Event attendance increased 14% to 52,891
With an equally expanded projected service population of 165,000 AADL now boasts:
• 49.5 circulation transactions per capita
• 10 visits to library buildings per capita
• 1.6 computer sessions per capita
• .3 program attendees per capita
For more information about Library Journal’s 'America’s Star Libraries', visit the index at libraryjournal.com.

Blog Post
Congratulations, AADL and
Congratulations, AADL and Board! Thank you for your wonderful library acumen and leadership, programs, catalogue, and, most of all, staff personally & professionally committed to excellence and service. I am deeply appreciative of having one corner of A2's civic foundation be so strong and am happy for us all that your great effort has been recognized.
Thank you again for all that you do.
Thank you, Rainey. We
Thank you, Rainey. We appreciate your kudos, but this rating is about you, too, so enjoy!
Way to go-AADL deserves
Way to go-AADL deserves every star! This is the best library I've ever used.
We'll work hard to keep it
We'll work hard to keep it that way, Astrid. Thanks.
I wish the library would
I wish the library would also treat its employees worthy of 5 Stars, but alas they do not.
Lorraine, Thank you for
Thank you for being so specific about how you use the Library, and about how having a good public library saves you money, time, and helps you to be successful in your career. I think our database subscriptions are not utilized enough, and we will work harder to get the word out about them. Thank you for helping us with that, too.
Bravo to the staff and
Bravo to the staff and administration for a job well done!
Thank you, Slider. Josie
Thank you, Slider.
AADL, you're cool.
AADL, you're cool.