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Date Received: 2005-03-12
Type: suggest a title
Regarding: programs & events

Patron Comment: I'd like to see baby (o-12 or 0-24mo)story and play times at more branches than NE and downtown. I think in the past you had one at the old branch on Packard. Any plans for Mallett's creek or westside or new pittsfield branch? Thanks.

AADL Reply: Thank you for your recent suggestion regarding baby play groups at the Ann Arbor District Library. Baby play groups are offered at all of our locations for babies up to 24 months with a caregiver: -Northeast branch, Wednesdays, 10:00-11:00 -West branch, Thursdays, 10:00-11:00 -Malletts Creek branch, Thursdays, 6:30-7:30 -Downtown branch Youth Story Room, Fridays, 10:00-11:00 Our new Pittsfield branch, when it opens in the spring of 2006, will also have baby play groups, although a schedule for that location has not yet been determined. Thank you for contacting us about our youth programs; I hope you find this information useful. A full listing of all of our library events may be found on our webpage,, or you may pick up a youth brochure at any of our locations.

Date Received: 2005-03-10
Type: suggest a title
Regarding: collections

Patron Comment: I suggested a purchase several months ago and at the time I was told that there were insufficient funds. I'm trying agin in hopes that some more mney has dome through. I'd like to suggest purchasing the recently released Inspector Alleyn Mysteries first season on DVD. Thank you.

AADL Reply: We currently have more suggestions for DVD titles than we can fulfill, however we have scheduled to purchase the Inspector Alleyn mystery series set #1 in July. Thank you for your interest in our DVD collection and we apologize for any inconvenience.

Date Received: 2005-03-07
Type: complaint

Patron Comment: Apparently there still is some difficulty with the ebook site. I have tried on several occasions to access the site, but was only successful 3 times. I received a notice for 'Blues in the night' on the 4th, tried for on the 5th, 6th, and today to open the site, unsuccessfully. Now I have lost my turn. If you want the service to be successful, more lines are needed! I will not continue to try if you are going to be so continuously overloaded! Thank you.

AADL Reply: Thank you so much for your email comment. We spoke yesterday regarding your access problems to the MLC/Overdrive page. The staff of our technology department successfully opened the page twice yesterday (while I was watching) from outside our firewall. I apologize that you are having such great difficulty. This is the first instance of this issue that we have encountered. Our technology staff thinks it may be related to your computer or the very slow speed of your internet connection. If you are interested in downloading a book onto a portable device our staff could help you in one of our buildings. You might also try using another computer if that is possible. Let me know if I can be of further assistance.

Date Received: 2005-03-04
Type: complaint
Regarding: catalog/searching

Patron Comment: I recently signed up with your library and requested two books on-line. I've been waiting 8 weeks now to get them. The only reason I signed up was to read Maeve Binchey and Dean Koontz's new books before they come out in paperback, which is when I will buy them. I don't like having hardbacks in my bookshelf as they take up too much room and these two authors are my favorites, so I keep a soft cover to read over and over. BUT I can't wait 'till they're out in paperback to read them. I'm very disappointed that I've had to wait so long. I was gung-ho about library renting, but if it means I have to wait as long to read the book as it takes for the soft-cover to come out, what's the point??? Response to Reply: Thank you for the information. I apologize if I "sounded" cranky.- just a bad day. I appreciate your taking the time to respond to my e-mail and will use your suggestions!

AADL Reply: Your complaint regarding the length of your wait for two books has been referred to me. Our current procedures dictate that we purchase a copy for every 4 holds, regardless of the number of holds. We may own 50-100 copies of extraordinarily hot titles. It is possible that the wait for a title will be a few months, although many patrons return the books before the end of the official loan period, thus shortening the wait time for subsequent patrons on the hold list. To shorten your wait, I suggest that you place your request as soon as the title appears in the librarys catalog. This is usually well in advance of the publication date. For instance, the Maeve Binchy title was ordered by the library on June 3, 2004, and it was placed in circulation in September. The Koontz book was ordered on September 1, 2004, and it was placed in circulation in December. We also have two other methods of getting the popular titles in the hands of our patrons. We have a Zoom Lends rental collection at every branch of the library. By sheer chance, you may find a title you are eagerly awaiting in Zoom Lends when you come into the library. You may not place a request on these items; they are available on a first come-first served basis. They circulate for one week for $1. At the Downtown Library, there is a Browsing Collection which also contains popular best sellers. You may not place a request on these either, but there is no rental fee and the loan period is four weeks. You may want to employ a dual approach to obtaining your favorite authors books. Place the hold as soon as the book appears in the catalog, usually a few months before the publication date. After the book is released, depending upon your place in the hold queue, you may want to keep watch for the title in both the Zoom Lends and Browsing Collections. If you happen to obtain it by either of those methods, you can always cancel your hold. If you use this approach, I think you will find that you are able to read your favorite authors books well before the paperback release.

Date Received: 2005-03-02
Type: suggest a title
Regarding: cell phones

Patron Comment: How about a designated cell phone area in an out of the way area of the lib, perhaps by the copy machines. This is needed more and more in all branches of the library.

AADL Reply: Thank you for taking the time to recommend that the Library establish designated areas for cell phone use in our buildings. It is something that I will consider. We currently have a policy about noise in the buildings that should be enforced in all locations by staff whether patrons complain or not. If you know that this is not happening, please let me or a supervisor in the building know and we will correct the problem. Thank you again for taking the time to offer a positive solution to the issue of cell phone noise in library buildings.

Date Received: 2005-03-02
Type: suggest a title
Regarding: youth

Patron Comment: One more game computer in childrens room. Hi, I find that after school there are often more than one kid wanting to use the game computer - maybe add one more?

AADL Reply: Thank you for your recent comment card regarding adding an additional children's game computer at our West Branch library. Adequate space for all of our services, programs, and materials continues to be a concern at that location, which we evaluate on an ongoing basis. I will certainly take your suggestion into consideration for future enhancements. I appreciate your taking the time to contact us. Thank you.

Date Received: 2005-03-02
Type: complaint
Regarding: youth

Patron Comment: For the youth area please keep the lego table and "hang out" area by the picture books. It is very distracting for older children to have moms & babies, strollers, etc blocking the books.

AADL Reply: No contact information provided.

Date Received: 2005-03-02
Type: complaint
Regarding: customer service

Patron Comment: 4:30 p.m. 23 Feb 05 - Asked for help with "hotmail" computer message. Librarian told me to come back at 6pm when help would be available - the Librarian should be compitent enough to answer basic questions...not to put off all help till someone else shows up.

AADL Reply: I am sorry to hear of your complaint regarding computer assistance from a Librarian at West. The Librarian should have made an attempt to help you with your hotmail account and should have called Downtown for technical support if he/she could not have resolved the issue. Ann Arbor District Library takes pride in the quality of customer service we provide and I will make sure your displeasure is communicated to our staff so that you do not encounter a similar scenario. Thank you for your time and effort in helping us learn how we are doing.

Date Received: 2005-03-02
Type: suggest a title
Regarding: customer service

Patron Comment: Is it possible to have a spot where people could view a video to see if it's really what they want? Maybe a time limit could be imposed.

AADL Reply: Thank you so much for your suggestion regarding public previewing of videos. I agree that it would be useful for the public to screen videos in the library. Unfortunately, the motion picture industry has very strict regulations regarding public performances. When Ann Arbor District Library shows a public performance of a movie we have paid an additional license fee for that event. The video publishers stipulate that Library purchases are for home use only; licensing fees are required for even on person to view a film in our buildings. Technology may eventually solve this situation by changing how video is licensed and that it will allow you to bring up selections from the film at our catalog terminal. We have future plans to offer preview stations that will give access to parts of our audio collection in this way. Hopefully, in the future films will be able to be presented as well. We appreciate your time and interest in preparing this suggestion. Please let me know if we may be of further assistance to you.

Date Received: 2005-03-02
Type: compliment
Regarding: compliment

Patron Comment: Always: efficient, patient, kind. Thanks!

AADL Reply: Anonymous