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Date Received: 2004-08-27
Type: suggest a title
Regarding: Technical Enhancement

Patron Comment: Install 802.11b Wi-Fi service for use by library patrons.

AADL Reply: Thank you for taking the time to contact us regarding wireless internet service at the Ann Arbor District Library. We apologize for the delay in our reply. 802.11b is available to all at our Downtown, West, and Malletts Creek Branches. We expect to add Northeast branch shortly. To register for the service, simply bring your 802.11b-enabled device to one of the supported branches, turn on DHCP, and open your web browser. You wll be returned a registration form. Simply enter your library card number or obtain a guest regisration number, wait 60 seconds, and you will then be able to use the internet wirelessly at any of our enabled branches for 1 year (1 month for guests) before you need to register again. Once our final location goes live, we plan to start promoting the service. Please try it out, and let me know if you have any other concerns or suggestions.

Date Received: 2004-08-26
Type: complaint
Regarding: - NONE SELECTED -

Patron Comment: Dear Josie....I (we) were very alarmed to read that there are plans to close the West Branch Library after the new one opens. I feel that this is a decision that should be made with community in-put and should not be discussed now as we have no idea what will happen when the new branch opens. I teach at Lawton School but live on the West Side and use my branch weekly...and love it. I re-read the article and it clearly mentions the possibility of closing our branch. Please send me information about the Library Board so we can begin to contact members NOW and attend meetings. It just seems so absurd to open a brand new high school and close the library branch. I have an old photo of my 3 year olds attending the opening of the West Branch Library in MAPLE VILLAGE ( 28 years ago??) ....we love our library system, have always been positive patrons, and want to be involved in this decision. Thank you for your attention to this.

AADL Reply: Unfortunately, the article was not a comprehensive representation of the conversation that I had with the reporter. The Library Trustees and I are aware of the need for a branch facility serving the west and northern portions of the library district. You are correct. We have no way of knowing what will happen after the new library opens on Oak Valley. Consequently, no decision has been made about the future of West Gate. I answered a direct question about West Gate specifically. I was pressed by the reporter for an answer,and I gave the logical one. If there is no use of the branch, of course, we would close it. Library Board meetings are public and posted on our website as are the names and contact information of all our Board Trustees. You are welcome at board meetings and encouraged to attend. Thanks for contacting me and I hope that I have reassured you concerning the future of a public library branch on the western side of the district.

Date Received: 2004-08-26
Regarding: programs & events

Patron Comment: We have recently moved to the area and I have been looking for activities to do with my 22 month old son to include some singing and story times. I see that the down town Library offer two year old story times, it would be nice if another of the branches offered something similar, as logistically getting to down town and parking at that time of day is a bit of a nightmare.

AADL Reply: Thank you for your recent email regarding two-year-old storytimes at the Ann Arbor District Library. Our new youth brochure listing all of our fall programs has just come out; feel free to pick one up at any of our library locations. You may also browse our event listings on our website, Our fall storytime sessions will run September 7 through October 15, and November 1 through December 10. We are offering the two-year-old storytimes at both the Downtown Library and the Northeast Branch Library. The Downtown Library two-year-old storytimes will take place on Wednesdays, 9:30-10:00 a.m. The Northeast Branch two-year-old storytimes will take place on Tuesdays, 9:30-10:00 a.m. The Northeast Branch is located within the Plymouth Shopping Center (entrance to the interior of the mall is near the Flim-Flam Diner on the western end of the shopping center), on the northeast corner of Plymouth and Nixon Rds. The address is 2713 Plymouth Rd. Parking at the Plymouth Shopping Center is free, and the AATA ( also provides bus service along Plymouth Road. We additionally offer Play Days for Babies ages 6 to 24 months at all library locations. We provide space for socializing (both for babies and caregivers) and a variety of age-appropriate toys. Baby Play Days are held on Wednesdays, 10:00-11:00 at the Northeast Branch; Thursdays, 10:00-11:00 at the West Branch; Thursdays, 6:30-7:30 at the Malletts Creek Branch; and Fridays, 10:00-11:00 at the Downtown Library. I hope you find this information useful. We look forward to seeing new faces at our library programs! Welcome to the community, and feel free to contact me if you have further questions.

Date Received: 2004-08-26
Type: suggest a title
Regarding: customer service

Patron Comment: The sound recording of Paul Johnson's "A History of the American People" (Books on Cass 973 Jo v.1-3) comes as a 3 volume "book on tape." Unless one is listening to it most of the day, it is very difficult to get thru all three volumes during the 4 weeks it can be taken out. There is a waiting list for it. I would suggest splitting up the three volumes so that they could be taken out individually. This would shorten the waiting list. (2 volumes are sitting on my shelf now while I listen to the third.) I could be listening to volume 1 and two other people volumes 2 and 3. I don't see any significant disadvantage. Thanks for your consideration.

AADL Reply: Your suggestion regarding exceptionally long audio books has been referred to me. We understand that lengthy audio books might be difficult to complete in the 4-week circulation period. However, there are also problems and complaints when the volumes are separated. Some patrons prefer to have them all at once, either for a long trip or perhaps because they have the time. If such patrons were to place holds on all three, it is very possible volume 2 or 3 would arrive several weeks in advance of volume 1, and if there were additional patrons waiting on the list, it would not be possible for them to renew volumes 2 and 3. There simply isn't a perfect solution to the problems caused by these very long audio books. If you are unable to renew due to other holds, you might consider placing another hold for yourself. There may be somewhat of a gap between your listening of volumes, but no more than there would be if the volumes circulated separately. Thank you for taking the time to make this suggestion. All comments and suggestions from our patrons are welcomed and given serious consideration.

Date Received: 2004-08-25
Type: complaint
Regarding: collections

Patron Comment: I am sorry that the library continues to discard so many valuable periodicals. Today I was unable to use either Fine Homebuilding or Fine Woodworking, as I have so often done, because they have been de-accession. This is a great shame as any one monthly copy is worth more than half a dozen the poor quality books the library buys in this area. There are several periodicals that ought to be kept indefinitely, as they do not age, are not well indexed by the electronic indices, and for which photocopies are prohibitively expensive. Thank you.

AADL Reply: Thank you for your comments and thoughts regarding the periodicals Fine Woodworking and Fine Homebuilding. Ann Arbor District Library has a collection development policy that stresses the circulation of current periodicals. We do not keep back issues of magazines after three years because of deterioration caused by circulation, space, and general customer interest. Those libraries that have retrospective magazine collections tend to hold them as reference materials either bound or on film. The two titles you mention are excellent publications. The Art Architecture & Engineering Library at the University of Michigan does have the complete holdings for both of these titles. From time to time the Friends receive copies of these two magazines that they deposit, and are free for the taking, at the public magazine exchange located on the first floor of the Downtown Library. In addition, we will strive to buy more book titles in this area to support your interest. We welcome your future comments regarding the collections and services that Ann Arbor District Library provides and appreciate your interest.

Date Received: 2004-08-24
Type: other
Regarding: other

Patron Comment: We are very distress to read that there is any possibility of closing the West Branch. A branch at Oak Valley, regardless of its size, will not be a fair substitute for residents at our ends of the district. Thank you.

AADL Reply: The Library has no plan to close West Branch. The article quoted me saying that we would close the branch if use dropped out. I actually said a lot more to the reporter about the use of West and our need for a library serving the northwest portion of the district. I am sorry if you were alarmed by the article.

Date Received: 2004-08-23
Type: suggest a title
Regarding: noise

Patron Comment: Thank you for fixing and refunding my printer card! Suggestion: the noise level at Malletts Creek is out of control. Post some rules about -cell phones -loud talking -kids running -kids using computers

AADL Reply: No contact information provided.

Date Received: 2004-08-23
Type: suggest a title
Regarding: customer service

Patron Comment: Please consider having a place for patrons to bring old magazines for others to take home for free, as they do in the children's section of the downtown A2 library.

AADL Reply: Thank you for contacting the Ann Arbor District Library with your recommendation of placing a magazine exchange in the Malletts Creek Branch. We appreciate your interest in recycling, but our space is limited in the branches. We offer magazine exchange space in the Downtown library only because we have adequate space there for such a service. I hope you can appreciate our efforts to offer as many services as possible within the Library system in spite of our inability to offer all services in every location. Thank you again for taking the time to let us know how we can serve you better.

Date Received: 2004-08-23
Type: suggest a title
Regarding: customer service

Patron Comment: You need a sign that indicates where to form the check-out line.

AADL Reply: Anonymous

Date Received: 2004-08-23
Type: complaint
Regarding: facility issue

Patron Comment: It is not clear at all where the check-out line begins. And, the bookshelves in front of the check-out area totally block access especially patrons seem to approach AND leave in the same direction - This is NOT difficult to fix - a sign would help and move the shelves.

AADL Reply: Thank you for contacting the Ann Arbor District Library concerning the approach to the service desk at Malletts Creek. We realize that this is a congested area and are taking steps to solve the problem. Please bear with us as we adjust in this new building. Thank you again for taking the time to let us know how we can improve.