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Date Received: 2004-05-05
Type: suggest a title
Regarding: noise

Patron Comment: I think you could have a noise policy stating how tranquil it needs to be in a library

AADL Reply: Anonymous

Date Received: 2004-05-05
Type: suggest a title
Regarding: facility issue

Patron Comment: I think your layout is counter intuitive and out of sink with "human development." How about having reference, etc all up front + kids in some more remote or defined area. Kids like to browse, moms like to sit on the floor, its noisy + people in kids areas like to RELAX. Put them further from the desk! I also can't wait for labelling + signs - Even a sign saying signs are coming would make me feel better. No signs at all is sort of passively hostile (it says Good luck, Find it yourself...)

AADL Reply: Anonymous

Date Received: 2004-05-03
Type: suggest a title
Regarding: customer service

Patron Comment: I think you should have a self check out center like Malletts Creek branch!!

AADL Reply: Anonymous

Date Received: 2004-05-03
Type: suggest a title
Regarding: parking

Patron Comment: Are you sure parking is such a huge problem that you need to make major changes to Downtown? Or is there just a vocal minority of gripes. Please do a genuine consumer study before you act. Thanks.

AADL Reply: Anonymous

Date Received: 2004-05-03
Type: suggest a title
Regarding: customer service

Patron Comment: When you notify someone of a book being held, please put the location in the upper corner. It is missed under "agency" Thanks!

AADL Reply: Anonymous

Date Received: 2004-05-03
Type: suggest a title
Regarding: collections

Patron Comment: You should make a donation box to purchase more recent movies. I personally would make a donation towards such a cause. Thank you

AADL Reply: Anonymous

Date Received: 2004-04-29
Type: complaint
Regarding: customer service

Patron Comment: April 29th - Time 1:45 p.m. I was on the second floor and I was log on computer two - and I walk away from the computer for like one sec to get a drink of water, however coming back to my computer I noticed that I was log off and I went to the counter to ask why I was log and the lady at the counter which I don't know her name - had a really bad attitude

AADL Reply: No patron information provided.

Date Received: 2004-04-27
Type: suggest a title
Regarding: other

Patron Comment: I checked out Deep Wizardry by Diane Duane on tape. I listened to it with my 10 year old daughter. The premise is that sacrificing a 12 year old virgin girl will prevent environmental disaster and keep the world safe. We kept listening because I thought Duane would come to her senses and demonstrate that human sacrifice is not an effective method of countering abuse of the environment. But NO. A substitute victim is found and his death makes everything all better, until next time. I don't think this book should be in the Youth Department. I am not in favor of censorship, but children dont need a sympathetic portrayal of every stupid idea that comes along. Freedom of Speech does not require that you purchase and circulate the works of every ignorant author. Sacrificing virgins to make the world better or safer for the rest is an outdated idea that didnt work very well. Authors who say otherwise dont deserve shelf space. Please remove this book from the Youth Department or at least put a warning on it.

AADL Reply: I have received your email regarding the book-on-tape Deep Wizardry by Diane Duane. Enclosed you will find a Request for Reconsideration form. Once you fill out and return this form (you may return it directly to me at 343 S. Fifth Ave., Ann Arbor, MI 48104) the formal reconsideration process will commence. This process begins immediately but the item in question will remain in circulation until the reconsideration process is complete. A Library Review Committee will convene to examine your request. After the committee members have reviewed the book, researched the principles involved in the production of the title, and reviewed the original selection decision, they will prepare a written recommendation to me. It is my responsibility to review their recommendation and to issue a decision. At that time, I will write to you again and will communicate the outcome of this process. The Library appreciates the investment of time made by our patrons who have questions and concerns in regard to Library services. I trust that you will recognize that this is a comprehensive process, and will take some time.

Date Received: 2004-04-26
Type: complaint
Regarding: customer service

Patron Comment: Monday April 19, 2004 @ 5:00pm (approx). @ the computer lab on the 2nd floor the woman attendent was not @ all helpfull twice she was quite rude while she was in the middle of a personal conversation the entire time over the phone at the desk.

AADL Reply: Thank you for taking the time to fill out a form to alert us to the poor service that you received at the Downtown Library on Monday April 19 at the 2nd Floor computer area. I am sorry the this happened to you and want to assure you that your concerns will be addressed by the manager of that department. You should have received excellent, courteous and proactive customer service, and it is reasonable to expect it from all of us at the Ann Arbor District Library. If you continue to receive poor service, please do not hesitate to contact me directly at 327-4263. Again, I am sorry that your experience here was unsatisfactory and I hope that your next trip to the Library is positive and productive.

Date Received: 2004-04-26
Type: complaint
Regarding: facility issue

Patron Comment: How often are the computers wiped (cleaned)? That area always seems to be dirty.

AADL Reply: Anonymous