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Date Received: 2004-03-24
Type: suggest a title
Regarding: programs & events

Patron Comment: Would like to have computer classes scheduled for weekend or evening hours. Thanks.

AADL Reply: Anonymous

Date Received: 2004-03-24
Type: complaint
Regarding: other

Patron Comment: 1) Had been going to Lov. Branch for years w/5 children. Was always able to get any book. Now your cupboards are BARE!! Children are definitely complaining. 2) Will have to go to Main branch for more variety !? New building is nice but COLD (ambiance, not temp. Br Brrr) Needs more "comfy" touches. More COLOR - REDS, ORANGES - paintings/fabrics?

AADL Reply: Anonymous

Date Received: 2004-03-24
Type: suggest a title
Regarding: facility issue

Patron Comment: To the architect/lib. director: You GROW library users - where is the kids story time section? You missed a vital part of the library. Kids are SO excited to enter/participate in a storytime space.

AADL Reply: Anonymous

Date Received: 2004-03-24
Type: suggest a title
Regarding: other

Patron Comment: Please place a limit on the number of periodicals one can check out. Everytime I come all the ones I want are checked out by a handful of individuals. It makes no sense to offer an infinite # of periodicals one can checkout. Ann Arbor is small and access to libraries is readily available so place a limit and force people to only check out what they need. Thank you.

AADL Reply: Anonymous

Date Received: 2004-03-24
Type: complaint
Regarding: collections

Patron Comment: The catalog is always down and I can't search for books or check my account.

AADL Reply: Anonymous

Date Received: 2004-03-24
Type: suggest a title
Regarding: collections

Patron Comment: If you could bring some Hebrew books to the Malletts Branch, thank you!!!

AADL Reply: Anonymous

Date Received: 2004-03-24
Type: compliment
Regarding: compliment

Patron Comment: I think you are doing really well in running this new establishment.

AADL Reply: Anonymous

Date Received: 2004-03-24
Type: complaint
Regarding: exhibits/displays

Patron Comment: The library is beautiful - the librarians are very helpful- the bottom row of books is impossible! Please get them up off the floor. May be OK for the kid section, but not for adults, especially seniors!

AADL Reply: Anonymous

Date Received: 2004-03-24
Type: complaint
Regarding: customer service

Patron Comment: With LONG books on tape (over maybe 8-10 tapes), it would be nice to have more than 4 weeks, even if others are on the wait list. Thank you!

AADL Reply: Anonymous

Date Received: 2004-03-24
Type: suggest a title
Regarding: other

Patron Comment: You should get kids bookmarks because we like them.

AADL Reply: Anonymous