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Date Received: 2003-07-16
Type: complaint
Regarding: programs & events

Patron Comment: Should our tax dollars support graffiti? I think not. I've lived in other parts of the country where it is a huge problem, where "taggers" spray buildings as often as male dogs spray fire hydrants. Just marking "their" territory. Why should our local government desire to import and encourage such a problem? Simple answer, it shouldn't. While some may think that this is harmless fun, it provides a legitimacy to this form of vandalism and also encourages and introduces spectators (young teens) to want to do this. When the canvass of the library is gone, well; there is always the white wall of a building.

AADL Reply: The Ann Arbor Police Dept is involved in this event and will have an officer present as a judge. This Administration is aware of the possible consequences, good and bad, of a public art contest for teens using grafitti. The police officer will disqualify all entries using gang insignia or other inflammatory forms or symbols. I do expect the officer to take this opportunity to discuss the ramifications of defacing public property. I appreciate your concerns and am glad that you feel free to voice your opinions. My hope is that this program will appeal to a disenfranchised, but very smart, segment of the population and will educate them about community responsibility. If that creates interest in all of the other fine services offered at the public library, then we will have done well. Thank you again for sharing your concerns and opinion. I'd enjoy meeting you and invite you to stop in to my office at the Downtown Library at your convenience.

Date Received: 2003-07-15
Type: complaint
Regarding: collections

Patron Comment: Lately, a number of books that I have checked out from the Main Library have had bugs in them. Colleen here at Loving says they won't get in my bed but they are kind of gross. Maybe you can spray or something.

AADL Reply: I have passed your suggestion regarding bugs in books you have checked out from the Downtown Library to our Collection Management Manager. I apologize that you have had this experience. We have not had any other reports of pests in books. We will, however, keep an eye out for pests in books at the Downtown Library. I would appreciate it if you could either attach a note to the cover of the books that have pests, or bring the books to a Circulation staff members attention when you return them.

Date Received: 2003-07-14
Type: suggest a title
Regarding: customer service

Patron Comment: When the Malletts Creek Branch opens you should have maps showing the bike route across Brown Park so that people from Colonial Square and University Townhouses can make the trip a little easier. Information about the bus would be good too. From what I can tell to take the bus from my house in Pittsfield Village I will need to get off the bus on Stone School Road and walk around the corner. Other people may be wondering how to take the bus since the frontage on the library does not have a bus that goes down Packard. I was trying the route today because Robin a circulation clerk had told me to try it. I got lost and asked the city to mark the trail a little better and they said they will be putting up some route markers.

AADL Reply: I think your suggestions are a great idea. We will be publishing directional information about Malletts Creek closer to its opening date. In the meantime, you should know that there is a bus stop directly in front of the building on the south side of Eisenhower, but it is closed during construction. This should prove very convenient for those using the bus.

Date Received: 2003-07-10
Type: suggest a title
Regarding: collections

Patron Comment: More books in Spanish and Italian

AADL Reply: We are in the process of building our collection. Any titles you could give us would be appreciated.

Date Received: 2003-07-09
Type: suggest a title
Regarding: policies

Patron Comment: We feel it is important to post information about the US governments authority to secretly check the library's records of what anyone may borrow or uses including computers. We undertand the Library feels it would have a chilling effrect on anyone using the library if this information were posted. We see that it is the Bush Admin. that is doing the chilling, abnd it is important that people are alerted and made more aware of possible intrusions. Posting this infomatiobn would make these infringments more meaningful- that they affect each and every one of us when we walk into and use the public library.

AADL Reply: Thank you for submitting a Library Customer Service Card suggesting that the Ann Arbor District Library post information alerting patrons of the USA Patriot Act. The Ann Arbor District Library has been very sensitive to the impact of this legislation on patron privacy and library use. We encourage librarians to educate, but not alarm, patrons about the USA Patriot Act. The Board of Trustees did vote to support the ALA resolution regarding the USA Patriot Act at its June 2003 meeting. The ALA resolution can be found at , under the

Date Received: 2003-07-08
Type: complaint
Regarding: computers

Patron Comment: Set up Telnet on second floor, as it was on the third floor. Patron wants to change screen colors. System too slow.

AADL Reply: Telnet is already on the second floor, however, you cannot change screen colors there.

Date Received: 2003-07-08
Type: suggest a title
Regarding: customer service

Patron Comment: Make dictionaries accessible on second floor near computers.

AADL Reply: Dictionaries were placed on the second floor near the computers.

Date Received: 2003-07-08
Type: complaint
Regarding: TV

Patron Comment: Patron does not like tv

AADL Reply: Thank you for filling out a Library Customer Service Card regarding the television we recently installed in the Library lobby. I am sorry that the presence of the television in the Lobby area of the Library is a cause of concern for you. We consider television an access point for information and have at least two others in public areas at Main. Due to events over the past two years, nationally and internationally, we felt that it was appropriate to add a television in a high traffic area. We do intend to leave it on when the Library is open. The placement of the television was carefully considered and our intention was to place it in an easily viewable, yet discreet, location. Those standing in line can do so without watching it, and we are using the closed caption feature so that volume will not be an issue. Thank you for sharing your concerns. If you have further questions, please don't hesitate to call me at 327-4263.

Date Received: 2003-07-01
Type: complaint
Regarding: facility issue

Patron Comment: "Can't call my branch directly/ Really annoying."

AADL Reply: Thank you for filling out a Library Customer Service Card regarding telephoning Branches directly. I apologize for the inconvenience you have experienced with our telephone system. The upgrade in our system allows us to connect callers with greater efficiency and accuracy. We found that in the past, callers were faced with lengthy waits for some services. Our new system is alleviating these problems. To access the system, please dial: (734) 327-4200. If you are not interested in listening to recorded information on the automated system, you may push 0 (zero) at any time to be connected to the operator. Again, thank you for your interest in the Ann Arbor District Library.

Date Received: 2003-07-01
Type: suggest a title
Regarding: collections

Patron Comment: Need new language tapes. better tapes have no or little English.

AADL Reply: Referred to and answered by Tracy Vanderpol.