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Half a package of Cox's gelatin, three eggs, two cups of sugar, juice of one lemon; soak the gelatin one hour in a teacup of cold water, add one pint boiling water, stir until thoroughly dissolved, add two thirds of the sugar and the lemon juice; beat the whites of the eggs to a stiff froth, and when the gelatin is quite cold whip it into the whites, a spoonful at a time from half an hour to an hour. Whip steadily and evenly, and when all is stiff pour in a mold, or in a dozen egg-glasses previously wet with cold water, and set in a cold place. In four or five hours turn into a glass dish. Make a custard of one and a half pints milk, yolks of eggs, and remainder of the sugar, flavor with vanilla, and when the meringue or snow-balls are turned out of the mold, pour this around the base.

