English Herb Bread

1 pkg. (1 T.) granulated yeast
2 eggs, well beaten
1 tsp. nutmeg
2 c. milk
2 tsp. crumbled sage
1/4 c. sugar
4 tsp. caraway seeds
1 T. salt
1 tsp. celery seed
1/4 c. butter or margarine
6 c. (approximately) flour
Scald milk. Add butter, sugar and salt. Stir until butter is melted. Let cool until lukewarm. Add yeast. Stir in eggs and spices. With wooden spoon, mix in 3 cups flour and beat until smooth. Blend in rest of flour gradually, kneading it by hand until smooth and elastic. Place in greased bowl, turning dough over once to grease surface. Cover with damp cloth. Keep dough at 80 degrees to 85 degrees until double in bulk (about 2 hours). Punch down, divide into two equal parts. Let rest a few minutes. Make into two loaves. Place in 9x5x3 inch loaf pans.
Let rise in warm place until double. Bake 10 minutes at 425 degrees, then about 30 minutes at 375 degrees. To test doneness, turn loaf out of pan and thump bottom with knuckles; loaf will sound hollow when done. Cool thoroughly on rack (turn loaf on side) before wrapping. Can also be baked in miniature loaf pans (made of heavy aluminum foil and available at hardware stores). These are nice for a cocktail party. Excellent with cheese, turkey or roast beef.
This recipe was given to me by a wonderful lady, Bea Watson.
Yeast Bread