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Bacon Toast

Bacon Toast image

Moisten slices of bread with well beaten egg, sprinkle over this well grated cheese (American), then place over all very thin slices of bacon and toast in broiler until bacon is well cooked.

Graham Mush

Graham Mush image

Sift meal slowly into boiling salted water, stirring briskly until it is as thick as can be stirred with one hand; serve with milk or cream and sugar, or butter and syrup. It is much improved by removing from the kettle to a pan as soon as thoroughly mixed, and steaming for three or four hours. It may also be eaten cold, or sliced and fried like corn mush.

Corn Mush

Corn Mush image

Put four quarts fresh water in a kettle to boil, salt to suit the taste; when it begins to boil stir in one and a half quarts meal, letting it sift through the fingers slowly to prevent lumps, adding it a little faster at the last, until as thick as can be conveniently stirred with one hand; set in the oven in the kettle (or take out into a pan), bake an hour, and it will be thoroughly cooked. It takes corn meal so long to cook thoroughly that it is very difficult to boil it until done without burning. Excellent for frying when cold. Use a hard wood paddle, two feet long, with a blade two inches wide and seven inches long, to stir with. The thorough cooking and baking in oven afterwards takes away all the raw taste that mush is apt to have, and adds much to its sweetness and delicious flavor.


Mush image

Indian or oatmeal mush is best made in the following manner: Put fresh water in a kettle over the fire to boil, and put in some salt; when the water boils, stir in handful by handful corn or oatmeal until thick enough for use. In order to have excellent mush, the meal should be allowed to cook well, and long as possible while thin, and before the final handful is added. When desired to be fried for breakfast, turn into an earthen dish and set away to cool. Then cut in slices when you wish to fry; dip each piece in beaten eggs and fry on a hot griddle.

Quick Waffles

Quick Waffles image

Two pints sweet milk, one cup butter (melted), sifted flour to make a soft batter; add the well-beaten yolks of six eggs, then the beaten whites, and lastly (just before baking) four teaspoons baking-powder, beating very hard and fast for a few minutes. These are very good with four or five eggs, but much better with more.

French Toast

French Toast image

Beat 3 eggs in a dish convenient to dip a slice of bread in, add a little salt. Have a large tablespoonful of nice lard or butter very hot (not burning) in the frying pan. Drop the slices of bread into the egg and with a steel fork turn quickly and fry brown on both sides. Serve as fast as done.


Pancakes image

1 pt. flour
1 pt. milk
4 eggs, whites and yolks beaten separately
1 teaspoon baking powder
1 tablespoon butter
1 saltspoon salt

Buckwheat Cakes

Buckwheat Cakes image

Dissolve 1/2 yeast cake in 1 qt. water, and mix in enough buckwheat to make a stiff batter. Set to rise over night, and in the morning stir up and add 1 tablespoonful white flour and 1 teaspoon Wyandotte soda.


Waffles image

1 pt. of flour
1/2 pt. of milk
1/2 teaspoonful melted butter
3 teaspoonfuls baking powder
1/3 teaspoonful salt
5 eggs, whites and yolks beaten separately

Add the whites last and beat hard.

A Nice Breakfast Dish

A Nice Breakfast Dish image

Chopped cold meat well seasoned; wet with gravy, if convenient, put it on a platter; then take cold rice made moist with milk and one egg, season with pepper and salt; if not sufficient rice, add powdered bread-crumbs; place this around the platter quite thick; set in oven to heat and brown.