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Peel sour apples and stew until soft and not much water is left in them, and rub through a colander. Beat three eggs for each pie. Put in proportion of one cup batter and one of sugar for three pies. Season with nutmeg.



Add to two cups sour milk one teaspoon soda, and one salt, half cup butter, lard, flour enough to make dough a little stiffer than for biscuit; or make a good baking-powder crust; peel and core apples, roll out crust, place apples on dough, fill cavity of each with sugar, encase each apple in coating of the crust, press edges tight together, (it is nice to tie a cloth around each one), put into kettle of boiling water slightly salted, boil half an hour, taking care that the water covers the dumplings. They are also very nice steamed. To bake, make in same way, using a soft dough, place in a shallow pan, bake in a hot oven, and serve with cream and sugar, or place in a pan which is four or five inches deep (do not have the dumplings touch each other); then pour in hot water, just leaving top of dumplings uncovered. To a pan of four or five dumplings, add one teacup sugar and half a teacup butter; bake from half to three-quarters of an hour. If water cooks away too much, add more. Serve dumplings on platter and the liquid in sauceboat for dressing. Fresh or canned peaches may be made in the same way.

Butter Scotch Pie

Butter Scotch Pie image

1 cup brown sugar, 1 tablespoonful butter. Melt together until crispy; add 2 cups sweet milk and yolks of 2 eggs, stirring constantly, and 2 rounding tablespoonfuls flour, wet with a little of the mixture; small teaspoonful vanilla. Cook till thick; pour into baked crust. Frost with whites of 2 eggs.

Chocolate Pie

Chocolate Pie image

One tablespoonful cornstarch, 1/2 cup sugar, 2 cups scalding milk, 3 eggs, 2 whites left for meringue, 1 1/2 squares chocolate, 1 tablespoonful butter, 1 teaspoonful vanilla, dash of salt. Cook. Put in freshly baked shell.


Mincemeat image

Four bowls chopped apple, 2 bowls chopped meat, 1 pound suet, 2 bowls molasses, 1 1/2 bowls vinegar, 2 bowls sugar, 2 bowls water, 1/2 pound citron, 2 pounds currants and raisins, 2 tablespoonfuls cloves, 2 tablespoonfuls cinnamon, 2 nutmegs.

Mince Pie

Mince Pie image

Three bowls cooked beef, minced; 5 bowls apples, chopped; 1 cup molasses, 1 cup vinegar, 1 cup boiled cider, 1 bowl suet, chopped; 2 bowls raisins, 3 1/2 bowls sugar, 2 tablespoonfuls cinnamon, 1 tablespoonful cloves, 1 tablespoonful nutmeg, 1 tablespoonful salt, 1 tablespoonful black pepper, 3 lemons, skin removed, sliced thin. Put all together and boil except spices and meat. Pour while hot over spices and meat previously mixed.

Mince Meat

Mince Meat image

Boil until tender 4 pounds lean beef; when cool chop fine; add 4 pounds apples, 1 pound suet, chopped; 1 pound currants, 1 pound raisins, 1/4 pound citron. Put over the fire with 1 pound brown sugar dissolved in water; 2 quarts cider, 1/2 pint fruit juice, 1 tablespoonful cloves, 1 tablespoonful allspice, 1 tablespoonful salt, 1 tablespoonful ginger, 1 tablespoonful mace, 1 nutmeg, grated; juice and grated rind of 1 lemon. Let all boil together about 10 minutes.

Cream Pie

Cream Pie image

Heat 1 1/2 measuring cups milk, mix 3/4 cup sugar, 2 tablespoonfuls cornstarch, 1/4 teaspoonful salt, yolks of 2 eggs, 1/2 teaspoonful each lemon and vanilla and add to boiling milk, stirring till it thickens. Put in a baked crust and cover with meringue made of whites of the 2 eggs and 2 tablespoonfuls sugar and brown slightly in oven.

Lemon Pie

Lemon Pie image

One lemon grated with juice, 1 cup sugar, 1 cup water, 2 tablespoonfuls cornstarch or flour, 1 teaspoonful butter, yolks of 2 eggs. Use whites for frosting.

Raisin Pie

Raisin Pie image

Half package of raisins, 1/2 cup of sugar, 1 egg, small piece of butter, 2 tablespoonfuls cornstarch. Cook the raisins for 45 minutes or until soft. When done have covered with water. Then add the sugar, egg, butter and cornstarch to thicken. Bake with an upper and lower crust.