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Quick Mayonnaise Dressing

Quick Mayonnaise Dressing image

2 eggs
1 teaspoon each salt and mustard, 1/8 cayenne
2 tablespoons each lemon juice and vinegar

Into above mixture pour 1 cup of oil and DO NOT stir.
In double boiler make a sauce with

1 cup water
1 tablespoon butter
1-3 cup flour or cornstarch

Turn this hot into other ingredients and beat quickly with egg beater.

Eggplant Marinade

Eggplant Marinade image

1 Large eggplant
1/2 t. salt
1/2 C. white vinegar
2 t. sugar
3 C. water
1 handful fresh dill, chopped or 2 t. dried dill
1/4 t. black peppercorn
3-5 whole bayleaves
3/4 C. mayonnaise

Mix dill with mayonnaise in salad bowl and set aside. Cut eggplant into sticks about finger size, first cutting into slices. In a pot large enough to hold eggplant, make the marinade. Bring to a boil vinegar, water, spices, salt and sugar. Add eggplant. Marinade should cover eggplant. Do not stir. Cover pot and simmer until eggplant begins to look transparent. Remove from fire and turn into colander to drain and cool. Remove bayleaves to use for decoration. Do not remove peppercorns. When cool, using a wooden spoon, carefully fold through mayonnaise, decorate with bayleaves and enjoy.

Fruit Salad Dressing

Fruit Salad Dressing image

2 eggs
3 teaspoons melted butter
1 teaspoon lemon juice
Cook in double boiler
1/4 cup powdered sugar
1/2 teaspoon salt, celery salt, vanilla
3 drops onion juice, little paprika
1 cup whipped cream

Mayonnaise Dressing

Mayonnaise Dressing image

2 egg yolks (whole egg may be used)
1 teaspoon salt, 1/4 paprika

Beat well, add oil drop by drop until it begins to thicken,
when oil may be added more rapidly. Keep adding oil until
proper consistency. Use lemon juice to thin dressing.
This will keep and may be used for any salad by adding
whipped cream or catsup or chili sauce, or any other such

Boiled Oil Mayonnaise

Boiled Oil Mayonnaise image

4 whole eggs
1/2 cup oil
2 tablespoons vinegar
1 tablespoon lemon juice
1 teaspoon sugar
1/2 teaspoon salt
1-16 teaspoon cayenne pepper
1/2 teaspoon dry mustard

Mix dry ingredients, add and mix thoroughly with the eggs, well beaten,
and place in double boiler over boiling water; add alternately oil,
vinegar and lemon, stirring constantly. When leady to serve,
add 1/2 cup thick cream, sour preferred.

Cooked Oil Dressing

Cooked Oil Dressing image

1 egg white
1 1/2 teaspoons salt, 1/2 of paprika, 1/2 mustard
1/4 cup vinegar
2 tablespoons olive oil or substitute
1/2 cup hot water
1 egg yolk
1/2 cup olive oil
2 heaping tablespoons flour

Put flour in double boiler, add salt, paprika, vinegar mustard,
and 2 tablespoons oil. Stir until smooth, add hot water. Cook 15 minutes.
Cool, add egg yolk and the 1/2 cup oil gradually and lastly fold in
beaten white of egg.

Cream Russian Dressing

Cream Russian Dressing image

2 teaspoons salt
1-4 teaspoon pepper
4 tablespoons vinegar
1-2 cup chili sauce
1 cup salad oil
2-3 cup whipped cream
Few grains cayenne

Put ingredients (all but cream) in a jar and shake.
Add slowly to stiffly beaten cream. This is delicious served
on rounds of Chinese cabbage or head lettuce.

Uncooked Salad Dressing

Uncooked Salad Dressing image

2 eggs beaten
1 teaspoon mustard
1/2 teaspoon salt
Stir above together and add
1 cup vinegar
1 can condensed milk, stirred slowly and well into mixture.

This may be thinned with lemon juice if too thick.
Excellent for lettuce or any salad. Will keep indefinitely.

Salad Dressing

Salad Dressing image

1 teaspoon salt, 1/4 teaspoon pepper
Chopped onion, chopped green pepper
3 tablespoons catsup
1/2 tablespoon Worcestershire Sauce
6 tablespoons oil
3 tablespoons Tarragon vinegar

Beat all together thoroughly.

Sauce for Fish or Filled Tomatoes

Sauce for Fish or Filled Tomatoes image

Boiled oil mayonnaise
1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce
3 tablespoons chili sauce
1/4 teaspoon paprika
1 teaspoon pearl onions
1/2 teaspoon chopped green peppers

Make 1/2 recipe of Boiled Oil Mayonnaise as a foundation for this
salad dressing, stir in the rest of the ingredients, and serve
ice-cold over fish or filled tomatoes.