Local Briefs

Local Briefs
The 84 Dictonary for 98c, ($1.20 by mail) - just 17 left at the Times News office. This notice will be accepted as coupon.
The special water committee of council will meet at 7:30 tonight.
J. Stanger, Piano Tuner, 417 S. 4th av., Ann Arbor, Mich., Bell phone 556.
All saloon and druggists' bonds should be in at the city clerk's office before Monday. The new council, which meets Monday, will immediately begin the consideration of granting licenses for the ensuing year.
All German Americans and those interested in German, are cordially invited to attend the lecture of Prof. L. A. Paszkowski of the University of Berlin, at Harmonie society in Detroit at 8 p.m. Sunday, April 14th. The subject of the lecture is "Der Deutsche Charkpter."
Fraternity lodge, No. 262, F. & A. M. will confer the first degree tonight.
Rev. A. W. Stalker was in Albion Thursday and spoke to the students at the college chapel last evening on Modern Religious Problems.
Next Monday afternoon at 4:30 o'clock there will be a special meeting of the Anti-Tuberculosis society. Election of officers will be held and it will be decided whether or not to have Dr. Brown of Milwaukee come here to give a lecture.
Leonard Green of 512 North Main street is dangerously ill as the result of a stroke of paralysis, which he suffered last Saturday.
Marriage licenses have been issued to Leonard McCalla, 23, Pittsfield and Viola Lambert, 21, Scio; George Oliver Morhaus, 26, and Mabel Deist, 22, Ypsilanti; Benjamin Schneider, 25, Freedom, and Clara Lambarth, 24, Ann Arbor; Joseph Kraft, 39, Ann Arbor, and Emma I. Wagner, 26, Lodi.
Golden Rule lodge No. 159, F. & A. M. conferred the third degree on three candidates last night.
Washtenaw chapter will confer the M. M. degree Monday evening.
The Ann Arbor Equal Suffrage club will meet this evening at 8 o'clock in the board room at the high school. The meeting will be an important one for plans will be made to entertain the state advisory board while its members are in the city next Thursday and to hold an evening meeting at that time if possible.
Harry J. Mustain of Detroit has come to this city to take the position of master mechanic for the Buick Motor company, of which A. V. Rothwell is manager. Mr. Mustain is accompanied by his wife and they will locate here permanently.
A daughter was born Monday to Mr. and Mrs. Arthur E. Hall of East University.
Thursday afternoon at 1 o'clock there will be a meeting of the advisory board of the State Equal Suffrage society in this city and the women who will be present represent the most prominent leaders in the state work, Mrs. Clara B. Arthur of Detroit, Mrs. Huntley Russell, of Grand Rapids, Mrs. Fred Rowe and Mrs. Jones of Grand Rapids, Mrs. Jennie Law Hardie of Tecumseh and Rev. Caroline Bartlett Crane of Kalamazoo. The board will formulate plans for the campaign to be held in the fall.
Theodore W. Kolbe, of this city today petitioned the circuit court to determine his interest in some Ann Arbor property held by his sister, Mrs. Clara Kolbe Fitzgerald, his uncle, Theodore Radke, and himself. Theodore Radke is believed to have died, and Kolbe declares that his sister has refused to have the property sold.
Ladies' pure silk boot hose, 50c quality at 39c a pair at Kock & Nichols.
Mr. and Mrs. O. M. Martin, who have been spending the winter in Florida, returned to their home in this city this morning. For the past ten days they have been in Washington, D. C., visiting the various points of interest. Mr. Martin still holds the opinion that the state of Florida has nothing to recommend it except its climate, and he declares that in spite of the fact that hundreds of farmers have lost every cent they possessed through buying farms in Florida they still continue to come, and they are usually sick of their bargain in a month.
Fraternity Lodge No. 262 F&AM
Anti-Tuberculosis Society
Golden Rule Masonic Lodge
Ann Arbor Equal Suffrage Association [AAESA]
Women's Suffrage
Old News
Daily Times News
Rev. Arthur W. Stalker
Leonard Green
Leonard McCalla
Viola Lambert
George Oliver Morhaus
Mabel Deist
Benjamin Schneider
Clara Lambarth
Joseph Kraft
Emma I. Wagner
Harry J. Mustain
A. V. Rothwell
Arthur E. Hall
Clara B. Arthur
Mrs. Huntley Russell
Mrs. Fred Rowe
Jennie Law Hardie
Rev. Caroline Bartlett Crane
Theodore W. Kolbe
Clara Kolbe Fitzgerald
Theodore Radke
Mrs. O. M. Martin
O. M. Martin
417 S Fourth Ave
417 S. Fourth Ave.
512 N Main St