6-8 Part 1 Callie was driving to school with her mom. When they parked the car, there were no other people or cars there. Callie and her mom went inside, suddenly the door shut close... No one was there. Not even the principal, ‘’NO ONE’’. Callie checked if she had school in her planner, and she did. ‘’Come on Callie we are going home” the mom said to Callie, “This is so weird” her mom whispered to herself. When they got to the door, the door was locked. “Ugh’’, her mom yelled. “I am going to call the police to get us out” the mom said. Callie wasn’t there... When she called the police, the police thought that the mom was paranoid. The mom yelled Callie’s name, but Callie didn’t answer... Her mom went looking for Callie. The mom went in the principal’s office, and went through his things. She saw a note on his desk, part of the note was cut off, the note said “the murderer is Lilly”. The mom ran to go look for Callie. Finally the police came to unlock the door and go get Callie and her mom. They only found the mom and couldn’t find Callie... The police officer said “its ok she maybe climbed out a window and went home”. “What is your name ma’am?” said the police officer”. The mom answered, “My name is Lilly”... The police officer dropped Lilly home. When Lilly went inside Callie was not there. Lilly was so tired; she fell asleep on the couch. The next day Lilly went back to school. Everyone was there. She went to the principal’s office and opened the door. The principal looked angry because his things have gotten moved around. Lilly saw the note again. Lilly asked him “Were did you get that note”. The principal said “why do you care are you the murderer is your name Lilly”? Lilly answered “no”. They both herd footsteps coming and people screaming. The door opened. The creature had blood all over it. It looked horrible. It was... 1 The School Lilly and the principal didn’t know who it was. All they know was that it was a person. The principal was screaming like a girl, while jumping out the window. Lilly said to the principal “you know we are on the second floor” while he was jumping out the window. The person was still there. Lilly asked the person “what is your name”? The person answered, the voice sounded like a girl. “My name is... Callie... “Oh, Callie were where you” Lilly said to Callie. Callie answered “who are you”. “I am your mom Callie” said Lilly. Lilly drove Callie home. Callie went to go take shower. When Callie was done she had cuts and bruises but at least looks better than before... Lilly took Callie to the hospital, because of her memory and the cuts and bruises but mostly Callie’s memory... The doctors gave Callie pills for her memory and her cuts and bruises, and they gave her cream for her cuts and bruises. Callie couldn’t go to school for two weeks. When Callie got her memory back she didn’t remember what happened to her... Callie went back to school. At the end of the day her mom wasn’t there to pick her up. Callie tried calling her mom on her phone. A strange voice answered the phone... “Who is this?” Callie asked the voice. “Is this a wrong number?” “Hello”. “Your mom is with us, we will send someone to come get you” the voice said through the phone... A car came to Callie, it was a police car. The police officer told Callie “Come in I will take you to where your mom is”. “Ok” answered Callie. The police officer took Callie to the police station and said “This is where your mom is”. “Why is my mom in a police station” said Callie... Callie went inside with the officer. The principal and Lilly were there, in a room. “Mom why are you here?” asked Callie. The principal answered “She killed someone” “No I didn’t they got it all wrong I never killed anyone” said Lilly. “That’s what every killer says”, “Oh yeah then how do you explain this 2 note” said the principal”. “Someone might have just written that, or it’s a different Lilly”... When the police officers and the FBI came they got the results of the killer’s prints. It was... Not Lilly... It was the principals. He killed the person he is the killer the murderer. He wanted to blame someone else so then he won’t have to go to jail, but he was not smart enough to not get caught. The principal went to jail. They still don’t know who the person he killed is... We don’t know what happened to Callie... Callie went back to school the next day; the school got a new principal. Before first period the police came, and told everyone to get out of the school. No one knew what was going on. Callie saw someone and she remembered what happened to her before she lost her memory... But the person ran. Callie was about to go tell the police, that the guy that’s running almost tried to kill her. She knew they won’t believe her. So, she went and told the police that the guy that’s running is a murderer too... The police officer went to the principals file, his name was Liam and his son is a murderer as well and his name is Louis... The police officer thought “Maybe the person Callie saw was Louis... The police have to go find Louis... The police interviewed Callie and asked her questions. Then police went to go look for him... Once the police found him, they put him in jail... They interviewed Callie once again and asked her what happened... Callie told them what happened to her... Once Callie got home, she ran to her room, jumped onto her bed, went under her covers, and went to sleep. She slept very deeply because of the lack of sleep she got during all of this. 3 End of part 1... 4